Minimal embedded Erland system

Ulf Wiger etxuwig@REDACTED
Thu Sep 23 10:20:00 CEST 1999

On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Joergen Froejk Kjaersgaard wrote:

jfk>I have tried to make a minimal embedded Erlang system to use as a
jfk>template. However, when i start the system - even in embedded mode
jfk>- I get an Erlang shell prompt.

The '-mode embedded' is a misnomer. What it means is that the erlang system
will preload all the modules instead of loading on demand.


Ulf Wiger, Chief Designer AXD 301      <ulf.wiger@REDACTED>
Ericsson Telecom AB                          tfn: +46  8 719 81 95
Varuvägen 9, Älvsjö                          mob: +46 70 519 81 95
S-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden                   fax: +46  8 719 43 44

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