Minimal embedded Erland system

Torbjorn Tornkvist tobbe@REDACTED
Wed Sep 22 23:17:00 CEST 1999

> I have tried to make a minimal embedded Erlang system to use as a
> template. However, when i start the system - even in embedded mode - I
> get an Erlang shell prompt.

Try out the following program (included below).

Cheers /Tobbe

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Example how to use Erlang in a series of Unix pipes
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% First create a file with some in data:
%%%   cat > indata
%%%   1 2 3 4 5
%%%   5 4 3 2 1
%%%   ^D                     (NB: Control-D)
%%% Then run the following:
%%%   erl -s pipe -noinput < indata | tee outdata
%%%   1 2 3 4 5
%%%   5 4 3 2 1
%%% (Also, inspect the created file: cat outdata )
%%% ====================================================================

start() ->

init() ->
    Port = open_port({fd, 0, 1},[eof]),

loop(Port) ->
        {Port, {data, What}} ->
            Port ! {self(), {command, What}},
        {Port, eof} ->

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