hex2dec parsing for Inets

Sebastian Strollo seb@REDACTED
Tue Sep 21 15:57:53 CEST 1999

Luke Gorrie <luke@REDACTED> writes:

> Bug report for Inets in httpd_util code:

Thanks. Fixed it.

> What's a better place to send this sort of mail, to the email
> addresses listed in the source files? I've done that in the past but
> I'm not sure of the convention since those addresses were put there in
> pre-opensource days.

You are more than welcome to send fixes (preferrably as diff's) to
erlang-maintainers@REDACTED This is an alias which leads to a
number of individuals who activly work on Erlang development. One of
them will pick up the fix, see if it fits and then include it in the

-- Sebastian

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