otp_src_R6B-0 install on Redhat 6.1

Geoff Wong geoff@REDACTED
Mon Nov 29 04:13:52 CET 1999

People have probably commented upon this (but I finally
got around to subscribing to this list just now). Anyway I had lots
of problems with the OTP R6B install on Redhat 6.1.

Here's a partial list that may (or may not!) help others:

0. Multiple Erlangs on one machine causes the "Install" script
   to barf. Thoroughly nuke your 47.4.1 install or use a different
   prefix path.

1. There's a path problem with the Java builds (an extra
   space at the end of some directory). I didn't bother to fix
   this since I don't care about the Java stuff. Should be an easy fix.

2. Many .h and .a files didn't seem to be installed properly in
    /usr/local/lib/erlang/usr/include & /usr/local/lib/erlang/usr/lib   

3. The most serious problem for me was the "beam" emulator
   wasn't linked with the "-rdynamic" meaning imported functions
   aren't exported to loadable ".so" files causing them to fail.
   Probably an autoconf/configure problem; It seems the DEXPORT 
   variable wasn't properly set for RH6.1.  (I manually patched 
   it into the makefile just to get it up and running).

As far as running the system - it appears to be reasonably happy
with existing code. Although I'm getting a problem with mnemosyme queries
failing in lists:keysearch() somewhere (stuff that working in 47.4.1 isn't 
working now). More on that problem when I investigate it more deeply.


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