new stack backtrace
Robert Virding
Tue Dec 14 11:09:37 CET 1999
Martin Bjorklund <mbj@REDACTED> writes:
>The new stack backtrace printout on failures is great! But I just
>spent half an hour trying to find out what was wrong with the
>following function in the module 'bt_conf':
>init_gws(Node) ->
> Cf = bt_cmd:bgetconfig(Node, cluster),
>Obviously, I have no calls to config_file:parse_string in
>init_gws/1, as indicated by the backtrace. But, init_gws calls
>bt_cmd:get_config, which looks like this:
>bgetconfig(Node, Type) ->
> Cmd = cmd("bgetconfig"),
> ibgetconfig(Cmd ++ " -t " ++ atom_to_list(Type) ++ " " ++
> atom_to_list(Node)).
>ibgetconfig(Cmd) ->
> Res = os:cmd(Cmd),
> config_file:parse_string(Res).
>... and there's the error.
>The first question is why these last two calls don't show up in the
>stack backtrace?
Easy. Seeing the call to config_file:parse_string/1 is the LAST CALL in
ibgetconfig/1 which is the LAST CALL in bgetconfig/2 then the last call
optimisation removes all traces of bgetconfig/2 and ibgetconfig/1.
Abnd as you know we can't do without the LCO. :-)
Robert Virding Tel: +46 (0)8 692 22 12
Bluetail AB Email: rv@REDACTED
Hantverkargatan 78 WWW:
SE-112 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
"Folk säger att jag inte bryr mig om någonting, men det skiter jag i".
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