This module provides functions to handle public-key infrastructure. It can encode/decode different file formats (PEM, OpenSSH), sign and verify digital signatures, and validate certificate paths and certificate revocation lists.
- Public Key requires the Crypto and ASN1 applications, the latter as OTP R16 (hopefully the runtime dependency on ASN1 will be removed again in the future).
- Supports RFC 5280 - Internet X.509 Public-Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile
- Supports PKCS-1 - RSA Cryptography Standard
- Supports DSS - Digital Signature Standard (DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm)
- Supports PKCS-3 - Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Standard
- Supports PKCS-5 - Password-Based Cryptography Standard
- Supports PKCS-8 - Private-Key Information Syntax Standard
- Supports PKCS-10 - Certification Request Syntax Standard
All records used in this Reference Manual are generated from ASN.1 specifications and are documented in the User's Guide. See Public-key Records.
Use the following include directive to get access to the records and constant macros described here and in the User's Guide:
The following data types are used in the functions for public_key:
- oid()
Object identifier, a tuple of integers as generated by the ASN.1 compiler.
- boolean() =
true | false
- string() =
- der_encoded() =
- pki_asn1_type() =
| 'RSAPrivateKey'
| 'RSAPublicKey'
| 'DSAPrivateKey'
| 'DSAPublicKey'
| 'DHParameter'
| 'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'
| 'PrivateKeyInfo'
| 'CertificationRequest'
| 'ECPrivateKey'
| 'EcpkParameters'
- pem_entry () =
{pki_asn1_type(), binary(), %% DER or encrypted DER not_encrypted
| cipher_info()}
- cipher_info() =
{"RC2-CBC" | "DES-CBC" | "DES-EDE3-CBC", crypto:rand_bytes(8)
| {#'PBEParameter{}, digest_type()} | #'PBES2-params'{}}
- public_key() =
rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()
- private_key() =
rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()
- rsa_public_key() =
- rsa_private_key() =
- dsa_public_key() =
{integer(), #'Dss-Parms'{}}
- dsa_private_key() =
- ec_public_key()
= {#'ECPoint'{}, #'EcpkParameters'{} | {namedCurve, oid()}}
- ec_private_key() =
- public_crypt_options() =
[{rsa_pad, rsa_padding()}]
- rsa_padding() =
| 'rsa_pkcs1_oaep_padding'
| 'rsa_no_padding'
- digest_type() =
Union of rsa_digest_type(), dss_digest_type(), and ecdsa_digest_type().
- rsa_digest_type() =
'md5' | 'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'
- dss_digest_type() =
- ecdsa_digest_type() =
'sha'| 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'
- crl_reason() =
| keyCompromise
| cACompromise
| affiliationChanged
| superseded
| cessationOfOperation
| certificateHold
| privilegeWithdrawn
| aACompromise
- issuer_name() =
- ssh_file() =
| rfc4716_public_key
| known_hosts
| auth_keys
compute_key(OthersKey, MyKey)->
compute_key(OthersKey, MyKey, Params)->
Computes shared secret.
decrypt_private(CipherText, Key) -> binary()
decrypt_private(CipherText, Key, Options) -> binary()
Public-key decryption using the private key. See also crypto:private_decrypt/4
decrypt_public(CipherText, Key) - > binary()
decrypt_public(CipherText, Key, Options) - > binary()
Public-key decryption using the public key. See also crypto:public_decrypt/4
der_decode(Asn1type, Der) -> term()
Decodes a public-key ASN.1 DER encoded entity.
der_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> der_encoded()
Encodes a public-key entity with ASN.1 DER encoding.
encrypt_private(PlainText, Key) -> binary()
Public-key encryption using the private key. See also crypto:private_encrypt/4.
encrypt_public(PlainText, Key) -> binary()
Public-key encryption using the public key. See also crypto:public_encrypt/4.
generate_key(Params) -> {Public::binary(), Private::binary()} | #'ECPrivateKey'{}
Generates a new keypair.
pem_decode(PemBin) -> [pem_entry()]
Decodes PEM binary data and returns entries as ASN.1 DER encoded entities.
pem_encode(PemEntries) -> binary()
Creates a PEM binary.
pem_entry_decode(PemEntry) -> term()
pem_entry_decode(PemEntry, Password) -> term()
Decodes a PEM entry. pem_decode/1 returns a list of PEM entries. Notice that if the PEM entry is of type 'SubjectPublickeyInfo', it is further decoded to an rsa_public_key() or dsa_public_key().
pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> pem_entry()
pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, {CipherInfo, Password}) -> pem_entry()
Creates a PEM entry that can be feed to pem_encode/1.
pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp|plain) -> #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{}
Decodes an ASN.1 DER-encoded PKIX certificate. Option otp uses the customized ASN.1 specification OTP-PKIX.asn1 for decoding and also recursively decode most of the standard parts.
pkix_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, otp | plain) -> der_encoded()
DER encodes a PKIX x509 certificate or part of such a certificate. This function must be used for encoding certificates or parts of certificates that are decoded/created in the otp format, whereas for the plain format this function directly calls der_encode/2.
pkix_is_issuer(Cert, IssuerCert) -> boolean()
Checks if IssuerCert issued Cert.
pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(Cert) -> boolean()
Checks if a certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman certificate.
pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) -> boolean()
Checks if a certificate is self-signed.
pkix_issuer_id(Cert, IssuedBy) -> {ok, IssuerID} | {error, Reason}
Returns the issuer id.
pkix_normalize_name(Issuer) -> Normalized
Normalizes an issuer name so that it can be easily compared to another issuer name.
Performs a basic path validation according to RFC 5280. However, CRL validation is done separately by pkix_crls_validate/3 and is to be called from the supplied verify_fun.
Available options:
- {verify_fun, fun()}
The fun must be defined as:
fun(OtpCert :: #'OTPCertificate'{}, Event :: {bad_cert, Reason :: atom() | {revoked, atom()}} | {extension, #'Extension'{}}, InitialUserState :: term()) -> {valid, UserState :: term()} | {valid_peer, UserState :: term()} | {fail, Reason :: term()} | {unknown, UserState :: term()}.
If the verify callback fun returns {fail, Reason}, the verification process is immediately stopped. If the verify callback fun returns {valid, UserState}, the verification process is continued. This can be used to accept specific path validation errors, such as selfsigned_peer, as well as verifying application-specific extensions. If called with an extension unknown to the user application, the return value {unknown, UserState} is to be used.
- {max_path_length, integer()}
- The max_path_length is the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can follow the peer certificate in a valid certification path. So, if max_path_length is 0, the PEER must be signed by the trusted ROOT-CA directly, if it is 1, the path can be PEER, CA, ROOT-CA, if it is 2, the path can be PEER, CA, CA, ROOT-CA, and so on.
Possible reasons for a bad certificate:
- cert_expired
Certificate is no longer valid as its expiration date has passed.
- invalid_issuer
Certificate issuer name does not match the name of the issuer certificate in the chain.
- invalid_signature
Certificate was not signed by its issuer certificate in the chain.
- name_not_permitted
Invalid Subject Alternative Name extension.
- missing_basic_constraint
Certificate, required to have the basic constraints extension, does not have a basic constraints extension.
- invalid_key_usage
Certificate key is used in an invalid way according to the key-usage extension.
- {revoked, crl_reason()}
Certificate has been revoked.
- atom()
Application-specific error reason that is to be checked by the verify_fun.
pkix_crl_issuer(CRL) -> issuer_name()
Returns the issuer of the CRL.
pkix_crls_validate(OTPCertificate, DPAndCRLs, Options) -> CRLStatus()
Performs CRL validation. It is intended to be called from the verify fun of pkix_path_validation/3 .
Available options:
- {update_crl, fun()}
The fun has the following type specification:
fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{}) -> #'CertificateList'{}
The fun uses the information in the distribution point to access the latest possible version of the CRL. If this fun is not specified, Public Key uses the default implementation:
fun(_DP, CRL) -> CRL end
- {issuer_fun, fun()}
The fun has the following type specification:
fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{}, {rdnSequence,[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}, term()) -> {ok, #'OTPCertificate'{}, [der_encoded]}
The fun returns the root certificate and certificate chain that has signed the CRL.
fun(DP, CRL, Issuer, UserState) -> {ok, RootCert, CertChain}
pkix_crl_verify(CRL, Cert) -> boolean()
Verify that Cert is the CRL signer.
pkix_dist_point(Cert) -> DistPoint
Creates a distribution point for CRLs issued by the same issuer as Cert. Can be used as input to pkix_crls_validate/3
pkix_dist_points(Cert) -> DistPoints
Extracts distribution points from the certificates extensions.
pkix_sign(#'OTPTBSCertificate'{}, Key) -> der_encoded()
Signs an 'OTPTBSCertificate'. Returns the corresponding DER-encoded certificate.
pkix_sign_types(AlgorithmId) -> {DigestType, SignatureType}
Translates signature algorithm OID to Erlang digest and signature types.
pkix_verify(Cert, Key) -> boolean()
Verifies PKIX x.509 certificate signature.
sign(Msg, DigestType, Key) -> binary()
Creates a digital signature.
ssh_decode(SshBin, Type) -> [{public_key(), Attributes::list()}]
Decodes an SSH file-binary. In the case of know_hosts or auth_keys, the binary can include one or more lines of the file. Returns a list of public keys and their attributes, possible attribute values depends on the file type represented by the binary.
- RFC4716 attributes - see RFC 4716.
{headers, [{string(), utf8_string()}]}
- auth_key attributes - see manual page for sshd.
- {comment, string()}
- {options, [string()]}
{bits, integer()} - In SSH version 1 files.
- known_host attributes - see manual page for sshd.
- {hostnames, [string()]}
- {comment, string()}
{bits, integer()} - In SSH version 1 files.
ssh_encode([{Key, Attributes}], Type) -> binary()
Encodes a list of SSH file entries (public keys and attributes) to a binary. Possible attributes depend on the file type, see ssh_decode/2 .
verify(Msg, DigestType, Signature, Key) -> boolean()
Veryfies a digital signature.