2 Public key records
This chapter briefly describes Erlang records derived from ASN1 specifications used to handle public and private keys. The intent is to describe the data types and not to specify the meaning of each component for this we refer you to the relevant standards and RFCs.
Use the following include directive to get access to the records and constant macros used in the following sections.
2.1 RSA as defined by the PKCS-1 standard and RFC 3447.
#'RSAPublicKey'{ modulus, % integer() publicExponent % integer() }. #'RSAPrivateKey'{ version, % two-prime | multi modulus, % integer() publicExponent, % integer() privateExponent, % integer() prime1, % integer() prime2, % integer() exponent1, % integer() exponent2, % integer() coefficient, % integer() otherPrimeInfos % [#OtherPrimeInfo{}] | asn1_NOVALUE }. #'OtherPrimeInfo'{ prime, % integer() exponent, % integer() coefficient % integer() }.
2.2 DSA as defined by Digital Signature Standard (NIST FIPS PUB 186-2)
#'DSAPrivateKey',{ version, % integer() p, % integer() q, % integer() g, % integer() y, % integer() x % integer() }. #'Dss-Parms',{ p, % integer() q, % integer() g % integer() }.