View Source wxSpinEvent (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxSpinEvent class

This event class is used for the events generated by wxSpinButton and wxSpinCtrl.

See: wxSpinButton, and, wxSpinCtrl

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxNotifyEvent wxCommandEvent wxEvent

wxWidgets docs: wxSpinEvent


Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxSpinEventType to subscribe to events of this type.



Retrieve the current spin button or control value.

Set the value associated with the event.


-type wxSpin() :: #wxSpin{type :: wxSpinEvent:wxSpinEventType(), commandInt :: integer()}.
-type wxSpinEvent() :: wx:wx_object().
-type wxSpinEventType() :: command_spinctrl_updated | spin_up | spin_down | spin.


-spec getPosition(This) -> integer() when This :: wxSpinEvent().

Retrieve the current spin button or control value.

-spec setPosition(This, Pos) -> ok when This :: wxSpinEvent(), Pos :: integer().

Set the value associated with the event.