View Source dbg (runtime_tools v2.1)
The Text Based Trace Facility
This module implements a text based interface to the
and the
BIFs. It makes it possible to
trace functions, processes, ports and messages.
To quickly get started on tracing function calls you can use the following code in the Erlang shell:
1> dbg:tracer(). %% Start the default trace message receiver
2> dbg:p(all, c). %% Setup call (c) tracing on all processes
3> dbg:tp(lists, seq, x). %% Setup an exception return trace (x) on lists:seq
4> lists:seq(1,10).
(<0.34.0>) call lists:seq(1,10)
(<0.34.0>) returned from lists:seq/2 -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
For more examples of how to use dbg
from the Erlang shell, see the
simple example section.
The utilities are also suitable to use in system testing on large systems, where other tools have too much impact on the system performance. Some primitive support for sequential tracing is also included, see the advanced topics section.
Simple examples - tracing from the shell
The simplest way of tracing from the Erlang shell is to use dbg:c/3
, e.g. tracing the function dbg:get_tracer/0
(tiger@durin)84> dbg:c(dbg,get_tracer,[]).
(<0.154.0>) <0.152.0> ! {<0.154.0>,{get_tracer,tiger@durin}}
(<0.154.0>) out {dbg,req,1}
(<0.154.0>) << {dbg,{ok,<0.153.0>}}
(<0.154.0>) in {dbg,req,1}
(<0.154.0>) << timeout
Another way of tracing from the shell is to explicitly start a tracer and then set the trace flags of your choice on the processes you want to trace, e.g. trace messages and process events:
(tiger@durin)66> Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive {From,Msg} -> From ! Msg end end).
(tiger@durin)67> dbg:tracer().
(tiger@durin)68> dbg:p(Pid,[m,procs]).
(tiger@durin)69> Pid ! {self(),hello}.
(<0.126.0>) << {<0.116.0>,hello}
(<0.126.0>) << timeout
(<0.126.0>) <0.116.0> ! hello
(<0.126.0>) exit normal
(tiger@durin)70> flush().
Shell got hello
If you set the call
trace flag, you also have to set a trace pattern for the
functions you want to trace:
(tiger@durin)77> dbg:tracer().
(tiger@durin)78> dbg:p(all,call).
(tiger@durin)79> dbg:tp(dbg,get_tracer,0,[]).
(tiger@durin)80> dbg:get_tracer().
(<0.116.0>) call dbg:get_tracer()
(tiger@durin)81> dbg:tp(dbg,get_tracer,0,[{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}]).
(tiger@durin)82> dbg:get_tracer().
(<0.116.0>) call dbg:get_tracer()
(<0.116.0>) returned from dbg:get_tracer/0 -> {ok,<0.143.0>}
Advanced topics - combining with seq_trace
The dbg
module is primarily targeted towards tracing through the
function. It is sometimes desired to trace messages in a more
delicate way, which can be done with the help of the seq_trace
implements sequential tracing (known in the AXE10 world, and
sometimes called "forlopp tracing"). dbg
can interpret messages generated from
and the same tracer function for both types of tracing can be used.
The seq_trace
messages can even be sent to a trace port for further analysis.
As a match specification can turn on sequential tracing, the combination of
and seq_trace
can be quite powerful. This brief example shows a session
where sequential tracing is used:
1> dbg:tracer().
2> {ok, Tracer} = dbg:get_tracer().
3> seq_trace:set_system_tracer(Tracer).
4> dbg:tp(dbg, get_tracer, 0, [{[],[],[{set_seq_token, send, true}]}]).
5> dbg:p(all,call).
6> dbg:get_tracer(), seq_trace:set_token([]).
(<0.25.0>) call dbg:get_tracer()
SeqTrace [0]: (<0.25.0>) <0.30.0> ! {<0.25.0>,get_tracer} [Serial: {2,4}]
SeqTrace [0]: (<0.30.0>) <0.25.0> ! {dbg,{ok,<0.31.0>}} [Serial: {4,5}]
This session sets the system_tracer to the same process as the ordinary tracer
process (i. e. <0.31.0>) and sets the trace pattern for the function
to one that has the action of setting a sequential token. When
the function is called by a traced process (all processes are traced in this
case), the process gets "contaminated" by the token and seq_trace
messages are
sent both for the server request and the response. The seq_trace:set_token([])
after the call clears the seq_trace
token, why no messages are sent when the
answer propagates via the shell to the console port. The output would otherwise
have been more noisy.
Note of caution
When tracing function calls on a group leader process (an IO process), there is
risk of causing a deadlock. This will happen if a group leader process generates
a trace message and the tracer process, by calling the trace handler function,
sends an IO request to the same group leader. The problem can only occur if the
trace handler prints to tty using an io
function such as
. Note that when dbg:p(all,call)
is called, IO
processes are also traced. Here's an example:
%% Using a default line editing shell
1> dbg:tracer(process, {fun(Msg,_) -> io:format("~p~n", [Msg]), 0 end, 0}).
2> dbg:p(all, [call]).
3> dbg:tp(mymod,[{'_',[],[]}]).
4> mymod: % TAB pressed here
%% -- Deadlock --
Here's another example:
%% Using a shell without line editing (oldshell)
1> dbg:tracer(process).
2> dbg:p(all, [call]).
3> dbg:tp(lists,[{'_',[],[]}]).
% -- Deadlock --
The reason we get a deadlock in the first example is because when TAB is pressed
to expand the function name, the group leader (which handles character input)
calls mymod:module_info()
. This generates a trace message which, in turn,
causes the tracer process to send an IO request to the group leader (by calling
). We end up in a deadlock.
In the second example we use the default trace handler function. This handler
prints to tty by sending IO requests to the user
process. When Erlang is
started in oldshell mode, the shell process will have user
as its group leader
and so will the tracer process in this example. Since user
calls functions in
we end up in a deadlock as soon as the first IO request is sent.
Here are a few suggestions for how to avoid deadlock:
- Don't trace the group leader of the tracer process. If tracing has been
switched on for all processes, call
to stop tracing the group leader (TracerGLPid
tells you which process this is (TracerPid
is returned fromdbg:get_tracer/0
). - Don't trace the
process if using the default trace handler function. - In your own trace handler function, call
instead of anio
function or, ifuser
is not used as group leader, print touser
instead of the default group leader. Example:io:format(user,Str,Args)
Equivalent to c(Mod, Fun, Args, all)
stands for call. Evaluates the expression
apply(Mod, Fun, Args)
with the trace flags in Flags
set. This
is a convenient way to trace processes from the Erlang shell.
cn(Nodename) -> ok
Same as ctp({'', '', '_'})
ctp({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctp({Module, Function, '_'})
Same as ctp({Module, Function, Arity})
ctpe(Event) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctpg({'', '', '_'})
ctpg({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctpg({Module, Function, '_'})
Same as ctpg({Module, Function, Arity})
Same as ctpl({'', '', '_'})
ctpl({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctpl({Module, Function, '_'})
Same as ctpl({Module, Function, Arity})
dtp() -> ok
dtp(N) -> ok
Equivalent to flush_trace_port(node())
flush_trace_port(Nodename) -> ok | {error, Reason}
fun2ms(LiteralFun) -> MatchSpec
Equivalent to get_tracer(node())
get_tracer(Nodename) -> {ok, Tracer}
h() -> ok
h(Item) -> ok
i() -> ok
ln() -> ok
ltp() -> ok
n(Nodename) -> {ok, Nodename} | {error, Reason}
p(Item) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
p(Item, Flags) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
rtp(Name) -> ok | {error, Error}
stop() -> ok
stop_trace_client(Pid) -> ok
tp({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as tp({Module, Function, '_'}, MatchSpec)
Same as tp({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec)
tpe(Event, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
tpl({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as tpl({Module, Function, '_'}, MatchSpec)
Same as tpl({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec)
trace_client(Type, Parameters) -> pid()
trace_client(Type, Parameters, HandlerSpec) -> pid()
trace_port(Type, Parameters) -> fun()
trace_port_control(Nodename,Operation) -> ok | {ok, Result} | {error, Reason}
tracer() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started}
tracer(Type, Data) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error}
tracer(Nodename, Type, Data) -> {ok, Nodename} | {error, Reason}
wtp(Name) -> ok | {error, IOError}
-type built_in_alias() :: x | c | cx.
-type match_desc() :: [match_info()].
-type match_spec() :: [{match_pattern(), [_], [_]}].
-type tp_arity() :: arity() | '_'.
-type tp_function() :: atom() | '_'.
-type tp_id() :: pos_integer().
-type tp_match_spec() :: tp_id() | built_in_alias() | [] | match_spec().
-type tp_module() :: module() | '_'.
-type trace_wrap_file_size() :: non_neg_integer() | {time, WrapTime :: pos_integer()}.
-type trace_wrap_files_spec() :: {file:name_all(), wrap, Suffix :: string()} | {file:name_all(), wrap, Suffix :: string(), WrapSize :: trace_wrap_file_size()} | {file:name_all(), wrap, Suffix :: string(), WrapSize :: trace_wrap_file_size(), WrapCnt :: pos_integer()}.
Equivalent to c(Mod, Fun, Args, all)
stands for call. Evaluates the expression
apply(Mod, Fun, Args)
with the trace flags in Flags
set. This
is a convenient way to trace processes from the Erlang shell.
-spec cn(Nodename) -> ok when Nodename :: node().
cn(Nodename) -> ok
stands for clear node. Clears a node from the list of traced nodes.
Subsequent calls to tp/2
and p/2
will not consider that node, but tracing
already activated on the node will continue to be in effect.
Returns ok
, cannot fail.
-spec ctp() -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctp({'', '', '_'})
-spec ctp(Module | {Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()} when Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity().
ctp({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctp({Module, '', ''})
stands for clear trace pattern. This function disables call tracing
on the specified functions. The semantics of the parameter is the same as for
the corresponding function specification in tp/2
or tpl/2
. Both local and
global call trace is disabled.
The return value reflects how many functions that matched, and is constructed as
described in tp/2
. No tuple {saved, N}
is however ever returned (for obvious
-spec ctp(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctp({Module, Function, '_'})
-spec ctp(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctp({Module, Function, Arity})
-spec ctpe(Event) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()} when Event :: send | 'receive', MatchDesc :: [MatchNum], MatchNum :: {matched, node(), 1} | {matched, node(), 0, RPCError :: term()}.
ctpe(Event) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
stands for clear trace pattern event. This function clears match
specifications for the specified trace event (send
or 'receive'
). It will
revert back to the default behavior of tracing all triggered events.
The return value follow the same style as for ctp/1
-spec ctpg() -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpg({'', '', '_'})
-spec ctpg(Module | {Module, Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()}) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: term()} | {error, term()} when Module :: tp_module().
ctpg({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctpg({Module, '', ''})
stands for clear trace pattern global. This function works as
, but only disables tracing set up with tp/2
(not with tpl/2
-spec ctpg(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpg({Module, Function, '_'})
-spec ctpg(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpg({Module, Function, Arity})
-spec ctpl() -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpl({'', '', '_'})
-spec ctpl(Module | {Module, Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()}) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: term()} | {error, term()} when Module :: tp_module().
ctpl({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as ctpl({Module, '', ''})
stands for clear trace pattern local. This function works as
, but only disables tracing set up with tpl/2
(not with tp/2
-spec ctpl(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpl({Module, Function, '_'})
-spec ctpl(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as ctpl({Module, Function, Arity})
-spec dtp() -> ok.
dtp() -> ok
stands for delete trace patterns. Use this function to "forget" all
match specifications saved during calls to tp/2
. This is useful when one wants
to restore other match specifications from a file with rtp/1
. Use dtp/1
delete specific saved match specifications.
-spec dtp(N) -> ok when N :: tp_id().
dtp(N) -> ok
stands for delete trace pattern. Use this function to "forget" a
specific match specification saved during calls to tp/2
-spec flush_trace_port() -> term().
Equivalent to flush_trace_port(node())
flush_trace_port(Nodename) -> ok | {error, Reason}
Equivalent to trace_port_control(Nodename,flush)
-spec fun2ms(LiteralFun) -> MatchSpec when LiteralFun :: fun((term()) -> term()), MatchSpec :: match_spec().
fun2ms(LiteralFun) -> MatchSpec
Pseudo function that by means of a parse_transform
translates the literal
typed as parameter in the function call to a match specification as
described in the match_spec
manual of ERTS users guide. (With literal I mean
that the fun()
needs to textually be written as the parameter of the function,
it cannot be held in a variable which in turn is passed to the function).
The parse transform is implemented in the module ms_transform
and the source
must include the file ms_transform.hrl
in STDLIB for this pseudo function to
work. Failing to include the hrl file in the source will result in a runtime
error, not a compile time ditto. The include file is easiest included by adding
the line -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl").
to the source file.
The fun()
is very restricted, it can take only a single parameter (the
parameter list to match), a sole variable or a list. It needs to use the
XXX guard tests and one cannot use language constructs that have no
representation in a match_spec (like if
, case
, receive
etc). The return
value from the fun will be the return value of the resulting match_spec.
1> dbg:fun2ms(fun([M,N]) when N > 3 -> return_trace() end).
Variables from the environment can be imported, so that this works:
2> X=3.
3> dbg:fun2ms(fun([M,N]) when N > X -> return_trace() end).
The imported variables will be replaced by match_spec const
expressions, which
is consistent with the static scoping for Erlang fun()
s. Local or global
function calls cannot be in the guard or body of the fun however. Calls to
builtin match_spec functions of course is allowed:
4> dbg:fun2ms(fun([M,N]) when N > X, is_atomm(M) -> return_trace() end).
Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
cannot be translated into match_spec
5> dbg:fun2ms(fun([M,N]) when N > X, is_atom(M) -> return_trace() end).
As you can see by the example, the function can be called from the shell too.
The fun()
needs to be literally in the call when used from the shell as well.
Other means than the parse_transform are used in the shell case, but more or
less the same restrictions apply (the exception being records, as they are not
handled by the shell).
If the parse_transform is not applied to a module which calls this pseudo function, the call will fail in runtime (with a
). The moduledbg
actually exports a function with this name, but it should never really be called except for when using the function in the shell. If theparse_transform
is properly applied by including thems_transform.hrl
header file, compiled code will never call the function, but the function call is replaced by a literal match_spec.
More information is provided by the ms_transform
manual page in STDLIB.
-spec get_tracer() -> term().
Equivalent to get_tracer(node())
-spec get_tracer(Nodename) -> {ok, Tracer} when Nodename :: atom(), Tracer :: port() | pid() | {module(), term()}.
get_tracer(Nodename) -> {ok, Tracer}
Returns the process, port or tracer module to which all trace messages are sent.
-spec h() -> ok.
h() -> ok
stands for help. Gives a list of items for brief online help.
-spec h(Item) -> ok when Item :: atom().
h(Item) -> ok
stands for help. Gives a brief help text for functions in the dbg module.
The available items can be listed with dbg:h/0
-spec i() -> ok.
i() -> ok
stands for information. Displays information about all traced processes
and ports.
-spec ln() -> ok.
ln() -> ok
stands for list nodes. Shows the list of traced nodes on the console.
-spec ltp() -> ok.
ltp() -> ok
stands for list trace patterns. Use this function to recall all
match specifications previously used in the session (i. e. previously saved
during calls to tp/2
, and built-in match specifications. This is very useful,
as a complicated match_spec can be quite awkward to write. Note that the match
specifications are lost if stop/0
is called.
Match specifications used can be saved in a file (if a read-write file system is
present) for use in later debugging sessions, see wtp/1
and rtp/1
There are three built-in trace patterns: exception_trace
, caller_trace
(or x
, c
and cx
respectively). Exception trace
sets a trace which will show function names, parameters, return values and
exceptions thrown from functions. Caller traces display function names,
parameters and information about which function called it. An example using a
built-in alias:
(x@y)4> dbg:tp(lists,sort,cx).
(x@y)4> lists:sort([2,1]).
(<0.32.0>) call lists:sort([2,1]) ({erl_eval,do_apply,5})
(<0.32.0>) returned from lists:sort/1 -> [1,2]
n(Nodename) -> {ok, Nodename} | {error, Reason}
stands for node. The dbg
server keeps a list of nodes where tracing
should be performed. Whenever a tp/2
call or a p/2
call is made, it is
executed for all nodes in this list including the local node (except for p/2
with a specific pid/0
or port/0
as first argument, in which case the
command is executed only on the node where the designated process or port
This function adds a remote node (Nodename
) to the list of nodes where tracing
is performed. It starts a tracer process on the remote node, which will send all
trace messages to the tracer process on the local node (via the Erlang
distribution). If no tracer process is running on the local node, the error
reason no_local_tracer
is returned. The tracer process on the local node must
be started with the tracer/0/2
If Nodename
is the local node, the error reason cant_add_local_node
If a trace port (see trace_port/2
) is running on the local node, remote nodes
cannot be traced with a tracer process. The error reason
is returned. A trace port can however be
started on the remote node with the tracer/3
The function will also return an error if the node Nodename
is not reachable.
p(Item) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Equivalent to p(Item, [m])
-spec p(Item :: term(), Flags :: term()) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()} when MatchDesc :: [MatchNum], MatchNum :: {matched, node(), integer()} | {matched, node(), 0, RPCError}, RPCError :: term().
p(Item, Flags) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
stands for process. Traces Item
in accordance to the value specified by
. The variation of Item
is listed below:
- The corresponding process or port is traced. The process or port may be a remote process or port (on another Erlang node). The node must be in the list of traced nodes (seen/1
- All processes and ports in the system as well as all processes and ports created hereafter are to be traced.processes
- All processes in the system as well as all processes created hereafter are to be traced.ports
- All ports in the system as well as all ports created hereafter are to be
- All processes and ports created after the call is are to be traced.new_processes
- All processes created after the call is are to be traced.new_ports
- All ports created after the call is are to be traced.existing
- All existing processes and ports are traced.existing_processes
- All existing processes are traced.existing_ports
- All existing ports are traced.atom/0
- The process or port with the corresponding registered name is traced. The process or port may be a remote process (on another Erlang node). The node must be added with then/1
- The process<0.Item.0>
is traced.{X, Y, Z}
- The process<X.Y.Z>
is traced.string/0
- If theItem
is a string "<X.Y.Z>" as returned frompid_to_list/1
, the process<X.Y.Z>
is traced.
When enabling an Item
that represents a group of processes, the Item
enabled on all nodes added with the n/1
or tracer/3
can be a single atom, or a list of flags. The available flags are:
s (send)
- Traces the messages the process or port sends.r (receive)
- Traces the messages the process or port receives.m (messages)
- Traces the messages the process or port receives and sends.c (call)
- Traces global function calls for the process according to the trace patterns set in the system (see tp/2).p (procs)
- Traces process related events to the process.ports
- Traces port related events to the port.sos (set on spawn)
- Lets all processes created by the traced process inherit the trace flags of the traced process.sol (set on link)
- Lets another process,P2
, inherit the trace flags of the traced process whenever the traced process links toP2
.sofs (set on first spawn)
- This is the same assos
, but only for the first process spawned by the traced process.sofl (set on first link)
- This is the same assol
, but only for the first call tolink/1
by the traced process.all
- Sets all flags exceptsilent
- Clears all flags.
The list can also include any of the flags allowed in erlang:trace/3
The function returns either an error tuple or a tuple {ok, List}
. The List
consists of specifications of how many processes and ports that matched (in the
case of a pure pid() exactly 1). The specification of matched processes is
{matched, Node, N}
. If the remote processor call, rpc
, to a remote node
fails, the rpc
error message is delivered as a fourth argument and the number
of matched processes are 0. Note that the result {ok, List} may contain a list
where rpc
calls to one, several or even all nodes failed.
rtp(Name) -> ok | {error, Error}
stands for read trace patterns. This function reads match
specifications from a file (possibly) generated by the wtp/1
function. It
checks the syntax of all match specifications and verifies that they are
correct. The error handling principle is "all or nothing", i. e. if some of the
match specifications are wrong, none of the specifications are added to the list
of saved match specifications for the running system.
The match specifications in the file are merged with the current match
specifications, so that no duplicates are generated. Use ltp/0
to see what
numbers were assigned to the specifications from the file.
The function will return an error, either due to I/O problems (like a non existing or non readable file) or due to file format problems. The errors from a bad format file are in a more or less textual format, which will give a hint to what's causing the problem.
-spec stop() -> ok.
stop() -> ok
Stops the dbg
server, clears all trace flags for all processes, clears all
trace patterns for all functions, clears trace patterns for send/receive, shuts
down all trace clients, and closes all trace ports.
-spec stop_trace_client(Pid) -> ok when Pid :: pid().
stop_trace_client(Pid) -> ok
This function shuts down a previously started trace client. The Pid
is the process id returned from the trace_client/2
or trace_client/3
-spec tp(Module | {Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, match_desc()} | {error, term()} when Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity(), MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec().
tp({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as tp({Module, '', ''}, MatchSpec)
stands for trace pattern. This function enables call trace for one or
more functions. All exported functions matching the {Module, Function, Arity}
argument will be concerned, but the match_spec()
may further narrow down the
set of function calls generating trace messages.
For a description of the match_spec()
syntax, please turn to the User's
guide part of the online documentation for the runtime system (erts). The
chapter Match Specifications in Erlang explains the
general match specification "language". The most common generic match
specifications used can be found as Built-inAlias
', see ltp/0
below for
The Module, Function and/or Arity parts of the tuple may be specified as the
atom '_'
which is a "wild-card" matching all modules/functions/arities. Note,
if the Module is specified as '_'
, the Function and Arity parts have to be
specified as '_' too. The same holds for the Functions relation to the Arity.
All nodes added with n/1
or tracer/3
will be affected by this call, and if
Module is not '_'
the module will be loaded on all nodes.
The function returns either an error tuple or a tuple {ok, List}
. The List
consists of specifications of how many functions that matched, in the same way
as the processes and ports are presented in the return value of p/2
There may be a tuple {saved, N}
in the return value, if the MatchSpec is other
than []. The integer N
may then be used in subsequent calls to this function
and will stand as an "alias" for the given expression. There are also a couple
of built-in aliases for common expressions, see ltp/0
below for details.
If an error is returned, it can be due to errors in compilation of the match
specification. Such errors are presented as a list of tuples {error, string()}
where the string is a textual explanation of the compilation error. An example:
(x@y)4> dbg:tp({dbg,ltp,0},[{[],[],[{message, two, arguments}, {noexist}]}]).
[{error,"Special form 'message' called with wrong number of
arguments in {message,two,arguments}."},
{error,"Function noexist/1 does_not_exist."}]}
-spec tp(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec()) -> {ok, match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as tp({Module, Function, '_'}, MatchSpec)
-spec tp(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity(), MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec()) -> {ok, match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as tp({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec)
-spec tpe(Event, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: match_desc()} | {error, term()} when Event :: send | 'receive', MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec().
tpe(Event, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
stands for trace pattern event. This function associates a match
specification with trace event send
or 'receive'
. By default all executed
and 'receive'
events are traced if enabled for a process. A match
specification can be used to filter traced events based on sender, receiver
and/or message content.
For a description of the match_spec()
syntax, please turn to the User's
guide part of the online documentation for the runtime system (erts). The
chapter Match Specifications in Erlang explains the
general match specification "language".
For send
, the matching is done on the list [Receiver, Msg]
. Receiver
the process or port identity of the receiver and Msg
is the message term. The
pid of the sending process can be accessed with the guard function self/0
For 'receive'
, the matching is done on the list [Node, Sender, Msg]
. Node
is the node name of the sender. Sender
is the process or port identity of the
sender, or the atom undefined
if the sender is not known (which may be the
case for remote senders). Msg
is the message term. The pid of the receiving
process can be accessed with the guard function self/0
All nodes added with n/1
or tracer/3
will be affected by this call.
The return value is the same as for tp/2
. The number of matched events are
never larger than 1 as tpe/2
does not accept any form of wildcards
for argument Event
-spec tpl(Module | {Module, Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity()}, MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec()) -> {ok, MatchDesc :: term()} | {error, term()} when Module :: tp_module().
tpl({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}
Same as tpl({Module, '', ''}, MatchSpec)
stands for trace pattern local. This function works as tp/2
, but
enables tracing for local calls (and local functions) as well as for global
calls (and functions).
-spec tpl(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec()) -> {ok, match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as tpl({Module, Function, '_'}, MatchSpec)
-spec tpl(Module :: tp_module(), Function :: tp_function(), Arity :: tp_arity(), MatchSpec :: tp_match_spec()) -> {ok, match_desc()} | {error, term()}.
Same as tpl({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec)
-spec trace_client(ip, IPClientPortSpec) -> pid() when IPClientPortSpec :: PortNumber | {Hostname, PortNumber}, PortNumber :: integer(), Hostname :: string(); (Type, Parameters) -> pid() when Type :: file | follow_file, Parameters :: Filename | WrapFilesSpec, Filename :: file:name_all(), WrapFilesSpec :: trace_wrap_files_spec().
trace_client(Type, Parameters) -> pid()
This function starts a trace client that reads the output created by a trace
port driver and handles it in mostly the same way as a tracer process created by
the tracer/0
If Type
is file
, the client reads all trace messages stored in the file
named Filename
or specified by WrapFilesSpec
(must be the same as used when
creating the trace, see trace_port/2) and let's the default handler function
format the messages on the console. This is one way to interpret the data stored
in a file by the file trace port driver.
If Type
is follow_file
, the client behaves as in the file
case, but keeps
trying to read (and process) more data from the file until stopped by
. WrapFilesSpec
is not allowed as second argument for
this Type
If Type
is ip
, the client connects to the TCP/IP port PortNumber
on the
host Hostname
, from where it reads trace messages until the TCP/IP connection
is closed. If no Hostname
is specified, the local host is assumed.
As an example, one can let trace messages be sent over the network to another Erlang node (preferably not distributed), where the formatting occurs:
On the node stack
there's an Erlang node ant@stack
, in the shell, type the
ant@stack> dbg:tracer(port, dbg:trace_port(ip,4711)).
ant@stack> dbg:p(self(), send).
All trace messages are now sent to the trace port driver, which in turn listens for connections on the TCP/IP port 4711. If we want to see the messages on another node, preferably on another host, we do like this:
-> dbg:trace_client(ip, {"stack", 4711}).
If we now send a message from the shell on the node ant@stack
, where all sends
from the shell are traced:
ant@stack> self() ! hello.
The following will appear at the console on the node that started the trace client:
(<0.23.0>) <0.23.0> ! hello
(<0.23.0>) <0.22.0> ! {shell_rep,<0.23.0>,{value,hello,[],[]}}
The last line is generated due to internal message passing in the Erlang shell. The process id's will vary.
-spec trace_client(ip, IPClientPortSpec, HandlerSpec) -> pid() when IPClientPortSpec :: PortNumber | {Hostname, PortNumber}, PortNumber :: integer(), Hostname :: string(), HandlerSpec :: handler_spec(); (Type, Parameters, HandlerSpec) -> pid() when Type :: file | follow_file, Parameters :: Filename | WrapFilesSpec, Filename :: string() | [string()] | atom(), WrapFilesSpec :: trace_wrap_files_spec(), HandlerSpec :: handler_spec().
trace_client(Type, Parameters, HandlerSpec) -> pid()
This function works exactly as trace_client/2
, but allows you to write your
own handler function. The handler function works mostly as the one described in
, but will also have to be prepared to handle trace messages of the
form {drop, N}
, where N
is the number of dropped messages. This pseudo trace
message will only occur if the ip trace driver is used.
For trace type file
, the pseudo trace message end_of_trace
will appear at
the end of the trace. The return value from the handler function is in this case
-spec trace_port(ip, IpPortSpec) -> fun(() -> port()) when IpPortSpec :: PortNumber | {PortNumber, QueSize}, PortNumber :: integer(), QueSize :: integer(); (file, Parameters) -> fun(() -> port()) when Parameters :: Filename | WrapFilesSpec, Filename :: file:name_all(), WrapFilesSpec :: trace_wrap_files_spec().
trace_port(Type, Parameters) -> fun()
This function creates a trace port generating fun. The fun takes no
arguments and returns a newly opened trace port. The return value from this
function is suitable as a second parameter to tracer/2, i.e.
dbg:tracer(port, dbg:trace_port(ip, 4711))
A trace port is an Erlang port to a dynamically linked in driver that handles trace messages directly, without the overhead of sending them as messages in the Erlang virtual machine.
Two trace drivers are currently implemented, the file
and the ip
drivers. The file driver sends all trace messages into one or several binary
files, from where they later can be fetched and processed with the
function. The ip driver opens a TCP/IP port where it listens
for connections. When a client (preferably started by calling trace_client/2
on another Erlang node) connects, all trace messages are sent over the IP
network for further processing by the remote client.
Using a trace port significantly lowers the overhead imposed by using tracing.
The file trace driver expects a filename or a wrap files specification as parameter. A file is written with a high degree of buffering, why all trace messages are not guaranteed to be saved in the file in case of a system crash. That is the price to pay for low tracing overhead.
A wrap files specification is used to limit the disk space consumed by the
trace. The trace is written to a limited number of files each with a limited
size. The actual filenames are Filename ++ SeqCnt ++ Suffix
, where SeqCnt
counts as a decimal string from 0
to WrapCnt
and then around again from 0
When a trace term written to the current file makes it longer than WrapSize
that file is closed, if the number of files in this wrap trace is as many as
the oldest file is deleted then a new file is opened to become the
current. Thus, when a wrap trace has been stopped, there are at most WrapCnt
trace files saved with a size of at least WrapSize
(but not much bigger),
except for the last file that might even be empty. The default values are
WrapSize = 128*1024
and WrapCnt = 8
The SeqCnt
values in the filenames are all in the range 0
through WrapCnt
with a gap in the circular sequence. The gap is needed to find the end of the
If the WrapSize
is specified as {time, WrapTime}
, the current file is closed
when it has been open more than WrapTime
milliseconds, regardless of it being
empty or not.
The ip trace driver has a queue of QueSize
messages waiting to be delivered.
If the driver cannot deliver messages as fast as they are produced by the
runtime system, a special message is sent, which indicates how many messages
that are dropped. That message will arrive at the handler function specified in
as the tuple {drop, N}
where N
is the number of consecutive
messages dropped. In case of heavy tracing, drop's are likely to occur, and they
surely occur if no client is reading the trace messages. The default value of
is 200.
Equivalent to trace_port_control(node(),Operation)
-spec trace_port_control(Nodename :: node(), Operation :: term()) -> ok | {ok, Result :: term()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
trace_port_control(Nodename,Operation) -> ok | {ok, Result} | {error, Reason}
This function is used to do a control operation on the active trace port driver
on the given node (Nodename
). Which operations are allowed as well as their
return values depend on which trace driver is used.
Returns either ok
or {ok, Result}
if the operation was successful, or
{error, Reason}
if the current tracer is a process or if it is a port not
supporting the operation.
The allowed values for Operation
- This function is used to flush the internal buffers held by a trace port driver. Currently only the file trace driver supports this operation. Returnsok
- Returns{ok, IpPort}
is the IP port number used by the driver listen socket. Only the ip trace driver supports this operation.
-spec tracer() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started}.
tracer() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started}
This function starts a server on the local node that will be the recipient of
all trace messages. All subsequent calls to p/2
will result in messages sent
to the newly started trace server.
A trace server started in this way will simply display the trace messages in a
formatted way in the Erlang shell (i. e. use io:format). See tracer/2
for a
description of how the trace message handler can be customized.
To start a similar tracer on a remote node, use n/1
-spec tracer(port, PortGenerator) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error :: term()} when PortGenerator :: fun(() -> port()); (process, HandlerSpec) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error :: term()} when HandlerSpec :: {HandlerFun, InitialData :: term()}, HandlerFun :: fun((Event :: term(), Data :: term()) -> NewData :: term()); (module, ModuleSpec) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error :: term()} when ModuleSpec :: fun(() -> {TracerModule, TracerState}) | {TracerModule, TracerState}, TracerModule :: atom(), TracerState :: term(); (file, Filename) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error :: term()} when Filename :: file:name_all().
tracer(Type, Data) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Error}
This function starts a tracer server with additional parameters on the local
node. The first parameter, the Type
, indicates if trace messages should be
handled by a receiving process (process
), by a tracer port (port
) or by a
tracer module (module
). For a description about tracer ports see
and for a tracer modules see erl_tracer
If Type
is process
, a message handler function can be specified
). The handler function, which should be a fun
taking two
arguments, will be called for each trace message, with the first argument
containing the message as it is and the second argument containing the return
value from the last invocation of the fun. The initial value of the second
parameter is specified in the InitialData
part of the HandlerSpec
. The
may choose any appropriate action to take when invoked, and can
save a state for the next invocation by returning it.
If Type
is port
, then the second parameter should be a fun which takes no
arguments and returns a newly opened trace port when called. Such a fun is
preferably generated by calling trace_port/2
if Type
is module
, then the second parameter should be either a tuple
describing the erl_tracer
module to be used for tracing and the state to be
used for that tracer module or a fun returning the same tuple.
if Type
is file
, then the second parameter should be a filename specifying a
file where all the traces are printed.
If an error is returned, it can either be due to a tracer server already running
) or due to the HandlerFun
throwing an exception.
To start a similar tracer on a remote node, use tracer/3
-spec tracer(Nodename :: node(), Type :: term(), Data :: term()) -> {ok, Nodename :: node()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
tracer(Nodename, Type, Data) -> {ok, Nodename} | {error, Reason}
This function is equivalent to tracer/2
, but acts on the given node. A tracer
is started on the node (Nodename
) and the node is added to the list of traced
This function is not equivalent to
. Whilen/1
starts a process tracer which redirects all trace information to a process tracer on the local node (i.e. the trace control node),tracer/3
starts a tracer of any type which is independent of the tracer on the trace control node.
For details, see tracer/2
wtp(Name) -> ok | {error, IOError}
stands for write trace patterns. This function will save all match
specifications saved during the session (during calls to tp/2
) and built-in
match specifications in a text file with the name designated by Name
. The
format of the file is textual, why it can be edited with an ordinary text
editor, and then restored with rtp/1
Each match spec in the file ends with a full stop (.
) and new (syntactically
correct) match specifications can be added to the file manually.
The function returns ok
or an error tuple where the second element contains
the I/O error that made the writing impossible.