Mod = module_name() | undefined
module_name() = atom()
ValidTraceData = erlang_trace_data() | record(event)
erlang_trace_data() = {trace, Pid, Label, Info} | {trace, Pid, Label, Info, Extra} | {trace_ts, Pid, Label, Info, ReportedTS} | {trace_ts, Pid, Label, Info, Extra, ReportedTS} | {seq_trace, Label, Info} | {seq_trace, Label, Info, ReportedTS} | {drop, NumberOfDroppedItems}
Transforms trace data and makes an event record out of it.
See erlang:trace/3 for more info about the semantics of the
trace data.
An event record consists of the following fields:
- detail_level
Noise has a high level as opposed to essentials.
- trace_ts
Time when the trace was generated. Same as
event_ts if omitted in trace data.
- event_ts
Time when the event record was created.
- from
From actor, such as sender of a message.
- to
To actor, such as receiver of message.
- label
Label intended to provide a brief event summary.
- contents
All nitty gritty details of the event.
See et:trace_me/4and et:trace_me/5 for details.
- {true, Event}
where Event is an #event{} record representing the
trace data
- true
means that the trace data already is an event
record and that it is valid as it is. No transformation is
- false
means that the trace data is uninteresting and
should be dropped