wxGLContext (wx v2.4.3)
View SourceAn instance of a wxGLContext
represents the state of an OpenGL state machine and the
connection between OpenGL and the system.
The OpenGL state includes everything that can be set with the OpenGL API: colors, rendering variables, buffer data ids, texture objects, etc. It is possible to have multiple rendering contexts share buffer data and textures. This feature is specially useful when the application use multiple threads for updating data into the memory of the graphics card.
Whether one only rendering context is used with or bound to multiple output windows or if each window has its own bound context is a developer decision. It is important to take into account that GPU makers may set different pointers to the same OGL function for different contexts. The way these pointers are retrieved from the OGL driver should be used again for each new context.
Binding (making current) a rendering context with another instance of a wxGLCanvas
however works only if the both wxGLCanvas
instances were created with the same attributes.
OpenGL version 3 introduced a new type of specification profile, the modern core profile. The old compatibility profile maintains all legacy features. Since wxWidgets 3.1.0 you can choose the type of context and even ask for a specified OGL version number. However, its advised to use only core profile as the compatibility profile may run a bit slower.
OpenGL core profile specification defines several flags at context creation that
determine not only the type of context but also some features. Some of these flags can be
set in the list of attributes used at wxGLCanvas
ctor. But since wxWidgets 3.1.0 it is
strongly encouraged to use the new mechanism: setting the context attributes with a wxGLContextAttrs
(not implemented in wx) object and the canvas attributes with a wxGLAttributes
implemented in wx) object.
The best way of knowing if your OpenGL environment supports a specific type of context is
creating a wxGLContext
instance and checking isOK/1
. If it returns false, then simply delete
that instance and create a new one with other attributes.
wxHAS_OPENGL_ES is defined on platforms that only have this implementation available (e.g. the iPhone) and don't support the full specification.
See: wxGLCanvas
wxWidgets docs: wxGLContext
Destroys the object
Checks if the underlying OpenGL rendering context was correctly created by the system with the requested attributes.
Equivalent to new(Win, [])
Makes the OpenGL state that is represented by this rendering context current with the wxGLCanvas
-type wxGLContext() :: wx:wx_object().
-spec destroy(This :: wxGLContext()) -> ok.
Destroys the object
-spec isOK(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxGLContext().
Checks if the underlying OpenGL rendering context was correctly created by the system with the requested attributes.
If this function returns false then the wxGLContext
object is useless and should be
deleted and recreated with different attributes.
Since: 3.1.0
-spec new(Win) -> wxGLContext() when Win :: wxGLCanvas:wxGLCanvas().
Equivalent to new(Win, [])
-spec new(Win, [Option]) -> wxGLContext() when Win :: wxGLCanvas:wxGLCanvas(), Option :: {other, wxGLContext()}.
-spec setCurrent(This, Win) -> boolean() when This :: wxGLContext(), Win :: wxGLCanvas:wxGLCanvas().
Makes the OpenGL state that is represented by this rendering context current with the wxGLCanvas
Note: win
can be a different wxGLCanvas
window than the one that was passed to the
constructor of this rendering context. If RC
is an object of type wxGLContext
, the
statements "RC.SetCurrent(win);"
and "win.SetCurrent(RC);"
are equivalent, see wxGLCanvas:setCurrent/2