wxAuiManagerEvent (wx v2.4.3)
View SourceEvent used to indicate various actions taken with wxAuiManager
See wxAuiManager
for available event types.
This class is derived, and can use functions, from:
wxWidgets docs: wxAuiManagerEvent
Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3
with wxAuiManagerEventType
to subscribe to events of this type.
Return: true if this event can be vetoed.
Return: The ID of the button that was clicked.
Return: The wxAuiManager
this event is associated with.
Return: The pane this event is associated with.
Return: true if this event was vetoed.
Sets the ID of the button clicked that triggered this event.
Sets whether or not this event can be vetoed.
Sets the wxAuiManager
this event is associated with.
Sets the pane this event is associated with.
Equivalent to veto(This, [])
-type wxAuiManager() :: #wxAuiManager{type :: wxAuiManagerEvent:wxAuiManagerEventType(), manager :: wxAuiManager:wxAuiManager(), pane :: wxAuiPaneInfo:wxAuiPaneInfo(), button :: integer(), veto_flag :: boolean(), canveto_flag :: boolean(), dc :: wxDC:wxDC()}.
-type wxAuiManagerEvent() :: wx:wx_object().
-type wxAuiManagerEventType() ::
aui_pane_button | aui_pane_close | aui_pane_maximize | aui_pane_restore | aui_pane_activated |
aui_render | aui_find_manager.
-spec canVeto(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Return: true if this event can be vetoed.
See: veto/2
-spec getButton(This) -> integer() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Return: The ID of the button that was clicked.
-spec getDC(This) -> wxDC:wxDC() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
-spec getManager(This) -> wxAuiManager:wxAuiManager() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Return: The wxAuiManager
this event is associated with.
-spec getPane(This) -> wxAuiPaneInfo:wxAuiPaneInfo() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Return: The pane this event is associated with.
-spec getVeto(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Return: true if this event was vetoed.
See: veto/2
-spec setButton(This, Button) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Button :: integer().
Sets the ID of the button clicked that triggered this event.
-spec setCanVeto(This, Can_veto) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Can_veto :: boolean().
Sets whether or not this event can be vetoed.
-spec setDC(This, Pdc) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Pdc :: wxDC:wxDC().
-spec setManager(This, Manager) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Manager :: wxAuiManager:wxAuiManager().
Sets the wxAuiManager
this event is associated with.
-spec setPane(This, Pane) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Pane :: wxAuiPaneInfo:wxAuiPaneInfo().
Sets the pane this event is associated with.
-spec veto(This) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent().
Equivalent to veto(This, [])
-spec veto(This, [Option]) -> ok when This :: wxAuiManagerEvent(), Option :: {veto, boolean()}.
Cancels the action indicated by this event if canVeto/1
is true.