xref (tools v4.1.1)
View SourceA Cross Reference Tool for analyzing dependencies between functions, modules, applications, and releases.
Calls between functions are either local calls such as f()
or external calls such as mod:f()
Module data, which are extracted from BEAM files,
include local functions, exported functions, local calls, and external
calls. By default, calls to built-in functions (BIF) are ignored, but
if the option builtins
, accepted by some of this module's functions,
is set to true
, calls to BIFs are included as well. It is the
analyzing OTP version that decides what functions are BIFs.
Functional objects are assumed to be called where they are created
(and nowhere else).
Unresolved calls are calls to apply
with variable module, variable function, or variable
arguments. Examples are M:F(a)
, apply(M, f, [a])
, and
spawn(m, f(), Args)
. Unresolved calls are represented
by calls where variable modules have been replaced with the atom
, variable functions have been replaced with the atom
, and variable number of arguments have been replaced with
the number -1
. The above mentioned examples are represented by calls
to '$M_EXPR':'$F_EXPR'/1
, '$M_EXPR':f/1
, and m:'$F_EXPR'/-1
. The
unresolved calls are a subset of the external calls.
Unresolved calls make module data incomplete, which implies that the results of analyses may be invalid.
Applications are collections of modules. The BEAM files for the
modules are located in the ebin
subdirectory of the application
directory. The name of the application directory determines the name
and version of the application.
Releases are collections of applications located in the lib
subdirectory of
the release directory. There is more to read about applications and releases in
the Design Principles book.
Xref servers are identified by names, supplied when
creating new servers. Each Xref server holds a set of releases, a set
of applications, and a set of modules with module data. Xref servers
are independent of each other, and all analyses are evaluated in the
context of one single Xref server (exceptions are the functions
and d/1
which do not use servers at
The mode of an Xref server determines what module data are
extracted from BEAM files as modules are added to the server. BEAM
files compiled with the option debug_info
contain "debug information", which is an abstract representation of the
mode, which is the default mode, function calls and line numbers are extracted from debug information.In
mode, debug information is ignored if present, but dependencies between modules are extracted from other parts of the BEAM files. Themodules
mode is significantly less time and space consuming than thefunctions
mode, but the analyses that can be done are limited.
An analyzed module is a module that has been added to an Xref server together with its module data. A library module is a module located in some directory mentioned in the library path. A library module is said to be used if some of its exported functions are used by some analyzed module. An unknown module is a module that is neither an analyzed module nor a library module, but whose exported functions are used by some analyzed module.
An unknown function is a used function that is neither local or exported by any analyzed module nor exported by any library module. An undefined function is an externally used function that is not exported by any analyzed module or library module. With this notion, a local function can be an undefined function, namely if it is externally used from some module. All unknown functions are also undefined functions; there is a figure in the User's Guide that illustrates this relationship.
The module attribute tag deprecated
can be used to inform
Xref about deprecated functions and optionally when
functions are planned to be removed. A few examples show the idea:
- The exported functionf/1
is deprecated. Nothing is said whetherf/1
will be removed or not.-deprecated({f,1,"Use g/1 instead"}).
- As above but with a descriptive string. The string is currently unused byxref
but other tools can make use of it.-deprecated({f,'_'}).
- All exported functionsf/0
, and so on are deprecated.-deprecated(module).
- All exported functions in the module are deprecated. Equivalent to-deprecated({'_','_'}).
- The functiong/1
is deprecated and will be removed in next version.-deprecated([{g,2,next_major_release}]).
- The functiong/2
is deprecated and will be removed in next major release.-deprecated([{g,3,eventually}]).
- The functiong/3
is deprecated and will eventually be removed.-deprecated({'_','_',eventually}).
- All exported functions in the module are deprecated and will eventually be removed.
Before any analysis can take place, module data must be set up. For instance,
the cross reference and the unknown functions are computed when all module data
are known. The functions that need complete data
, q/2,3
, variables/1,2
take care of setting up data automatically. Module data need to be set up
(again) after calls to any of the add
, replace
, remove
, or
The result of setting up module data is the Call Graph. A
(directed) graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of (directed) edges.
The edges represent calls (From, To) between functions, modules,
applications, or releases. From is said to call To, and To is said to be used by
From. The vertices of the Call Graph are the functions of all module data: local
and exported functions of analyzed modules; used BIFs; used exported functions
of library modules; and unknown functions. The functions module_info/0,1
by the compiler are included among the exported functions, but only when called
from some module. The edges are the function calls of all module data. A
consequence of the edges being a set is that there is only one edge if a
function is locally or externally used several times on one and the same line of
The Call Graph is represented by Erlang terms (the sets
are lists), which is suitable for many analyses. But for analyses that look at
chains of calls, a list representation is much too slow. Instead the
representation offered by the digraph
module is used. The translation of the
list representation of the Call Graph - or a subgraph thereof - to the digraph
representation does not come for free, so the language used for expressing
queries to be described below has a special operator for this task and a
possibility to save the digraph
representation for subsequent analyses.
In addition to the Call Graph there is a graph called the Inter Call Graph. This is a graph of calls (From, To) such that there is a chain of calls from From to To in the Call Graph, and every From and To is an exported function or an unused local function. The vertices are the same as for the Call Graph.
Calls between modules, applications and releases are also directed graphs. The
types of the vertices and edges of these graphs are (ranging from
the most special to the most general): Fun
for functions; Mod
for modules;
for applications; and Rel
for releases. The following paragraphs will
describe the different constructs of the language used for selecting and
analyzing parts of the graphs, beginning with the constants:
- Expression ::= Constants
Constants ::= Consts | Consts
Type | RegExprConsts ::= Constant |
Constant ::= Call | Const
Call ::= FunSpec
FunSpec |{
| AtomConst->
AtomConst |{
Const ::= AtomConst | FunSpec | MFA
AtomConst ::= Application | Module | Release
- FunSpec ::= Module
Arity - MFA ::=
RegExpr ::= RegString
Type | RegFunc | RegFunc:
Type- RegFunc ::= RegModule
RegArity - RegModule ::= RegAtom
- RegFunction ::= RegAtom
RegArity ::= RegString | Number |
RegAtom ::= RegString | Atom |
- RegString ::= - a regular expression, as described in the
module, enclosed in double quotes - Type ::=
- Function ::= Atom
- Application ::= Atom
- Module ::= Atom
- Release ::= Atom
Arity ::= Number |
- Atom ::= - same as Erlang atoms -
- Number ::= - same as non-negative Erlang integers -
Examples of constants are: kernel
, kernel->stdlib
, [kernel, sasl]
[pg -> mnesia, {tv, mnesia}] : Mod
. It is an error if an instance of Const
does not match any vertex of any graph. If there are more than one vertex
matching an untyped instance of AtomConst
, then the one of the most general
type is chosen. A list of constants is interpreted as a set of constants, all of
the same type. A tuple of constants constitute a chain of calls (which may, but
does not have to, correspond to an actual chain of calls of some graph).
Assigning a type to a list or tuple of Constant
is equivalent to assigning the
type to each Constant
Regular expressions are used as a means to select some of the
vertices of a graph. A RegExpr
consisting of a RegString
and a type - an
example is "xref_.*" : Mod
- is interpreted as those modules (or applications
or releases, depending on the type) that match the expression. Similarly, a
is interpreted as those vertices of the Call Graph that match the
expression. An example is "xref_.*":"add_.*"/"(2|3)"
, which matches all add
functions of arity two or three of any of the xref modules. Another example, one
that matches all functions of arity 10 or more: _:_/"[1-9].+"
. Here _
is an
abbreviation for ".*"
, that is, the regular expression that matches anything.
The syntax of variables is simple:
- Expression ::= Variable
- Variable ::= - same as Erlang variables -
There are two kinds of variables:
Predefined variables - hold module data, and cannot be assigned to but only used in queries.
User variables - can be assigned to, and are typically used for temporary results while evaluating a query, and for keeping results of queries for use in subsequent queries.
The predefined variables are (variables marked with (*) are available
in functions
mode only):
- Call Graph Edges (*).V
- Call Graph Vertices (*).M
- Modules. All modules: analyzed modules, used library modules, and unknown modules.A
- Applications.R
- Releases.ME
- Module Edges. All module calls.AE
- Application Edges. All application calls.RE
- Release Edges. All release calls.L
- Local Functions (*). All local functions of analyzed modules.X
- Exported Functions. All exported functions of analyzed modules and all used exported functions of library modules.F
- Functions (*).B
- Used BIFs.B
is empty ifbuiltins
for all analyzed modules.U
- Unknown Functions.UU
- Unused Functions (*). All local and exported functions of analyzed modules that have not been used.XU
- Externally Used Functions. Functions of all modules - including local functions - that have been used in some external call.LU
- Locally Used Functions (*). Functions of all modules that have been used in some local call.OL
- Functions with an attribute tagon_load
- Local Calls (*).XC
- External Calls (*).AM
- Analyzed Modules.UM
- Unknown Modules.LM
- Used Library Modules.UC
- Unresolved Calls. Empty inmodules
- Inter Call Graph Edges (*).DF
- Deprecated Functions. All deprecated exported functions and all used deprecated BIFs.DF_1
- Deprecated Functions. All deprecated functions to be removed in next version.DF_2
- Deprecated Functions. All deprecated functions to be removed in next version or next major release.DF_3
- Deprecated Functions. All deprecated functions to be removed in next version, next major release, or later.
These are a few facts about the predefined variables (the
set operators +
(union) and -
(difference) as well as the cast operator
are described below):
is equal toL + X
is equal toX + L + B + U
, whereX
are pairwise disjoint (that is, have no elements in common).UU
is equal toV - (XU + LU)
, whereLU
may have elements in common. Put in another way:V
is equal toUU + XU + LU
is a subset ofF
is equal toLC + XC
. Note thatLC
may have elements in common, namely if some function is locally and externally used from one and the same function.U
is a subset ofXU
is a subset ofXU
is equal torange LC
is equal torange XC
is a subset ofF
is a subset ofF
.range UC
is a subset ofU
is equal toAM + LM + UM
, whereAM
are pairwise disjoint.ME
is equal to(Mod) E
is equal to(App) E
is equal to(Rel) E
.(Mod) V
is a subset ofM
. Equality holds if all analyzed modules have some local, exported, or unknown function.(App) M
is a subset ofA
. Equality holds if all applications have some module.(Rel) A
is a subset ofR
. Equality holds if all releases have some application.DF_1
is a subset ofDF_2
is a subset ofDF_3
is a subset ofDF
is a subset ofX + B
An important notion is that of conversion of expressions. The syntax of a cast expression is:
- Expression ::=
The interpretation of the cast operator depends on the named type Type
, the
type of Expression
, and the structure of the elements of the interpretation of
. If the named type is equal to the expression type, no conversion
is done. Otherwise, the conversion is done one step at a time; (Fun) (App) RE
for instance, is equivalent to (Fun) (Mod) (App) RE
. Now assume that the
interpretation of Expression
is a set of constants (functions, modules,
applications or releases). If the named type is more general than the expression
type, say Mod
and Fun
respectively, then the interpretation of the cast
expression is the set of modules that have at least one of their functions
mentioned in the interpretation of the expression. If the named type is more
special than the expression type, say Fun
and Mod
, then the interpretation
is the set of all the functions of the modules (in modules
mode, the
conversion is partial since the local functions are not known). The conversions
to and from applications and releases work analogously. For instance,
(App) "xref_.*" : Mod
returns all applications containing at least one module
such that xref_
is a prefix of the module name.
Now assume that the interpretation of Expression
is a set of calls. If the
named type is more general than the expression type, say Mod
and Fun
respectively, then the interpretation of the cast expression is the set of calls
(M1, M2) such that the interpretation of the expression contains a call from
some function of M1 to some function of M2. If the named type is more special
than the expression type, say Fun
and Mod
, then the interpretation is the
set of all function calls (F1, F2) such that the interpretation of the
expression contains a call (M1, M2) and F1 is a function of M1 and F2 is a
function of M2 (in modules
mode, there are no functions calls, so a cast to
always yields an empty set). Again, the conversions to and from
applications and releases work analogously.
The interpretation of constants and variables are sets, and those sets can be used as the basis for forming new sets by the application of set operators. The syntax:
- Expression ::= Expression BinarySetOp Expression
BinarySetOp ::=
, *
and -
are interpreted as union, intersection and difference
respectively: the union of two sets contains the elements of both sets; the
intersection of two sets contains the elements common to both sets; and the
difference of two sets contains the elements of the first set that are not
members of the second set. The elements of the two sets must be of the same
structure; for instance, a function call cannot be combined with a function. But
if a cast operator can make the elements compatible, then the more general
elements are converted to the less general element type. For instance, M + F
is equivalent to (Fun) M + F
, and E - AE
is equivalent to E - (Fun) AE
One more example: X * xref : Mod
is interpreted as the set of functions
exported by the module xref
; xref : Mod
is converted to the more special
type of X
, that is) yielding all functions of xref
, and the
intersection with X
(all functions exported by analyzed modules and library
modules) is interpreted as those functions that are exported by some module
and functions of xref
There are also unary set operators:
- Expression ::= UnarySetOp Expression
UnarySetOp ::=
Recall that a call is a pair (From, To). domain
applied to a set of calls is
interpreted as the set of all vertices From, and range
as the set of all
vertices To. The interpretation of the strict
operator is the operand with all
calls on the form (A, A) removed.
The interpretation of the restriction operators is a subset of the first operand, a set of calls. The second operand, a set of vertices, is converted to the type of the first operand. The syntax of the restriction operators:
- Expression ::= Expression RestrOp Expression
- RestrOp ::=
- RestrOp ::=
- RestrOp ::=
The interpretation in some detail for the three operators:
- The subset of calls from any of the vertices.||
- The subset of calls to any of the vertices.|||
- The subset of calls to and from any of the vertices. For all sets of callsCS
and all sets of verticesVS
,CS ||| VS
is equivalent toCS | VS * CS || VS
Two functions (modules, applications, releases) belong
to the same strongly connected component if they call each other (in)directly.
The interpretation of the components
operator is the set of strongly connected
components of a set of calls. The condensation
of a set of calls is a new set
of calls between the strongly connected components such that there is an edge
between two components if there is some constant of the first component that
calls some constant of the second component.
The interpretation of the of
operator is a chain of calls of the second
operand (a set of calls) that passes throw all of the vertices of the first
operand (a tuple of constants), in the given order. The second operand is
converted to the type of the first operand. For instance, the of
operator can
be used for finding out whether a function calls another function indirectly,
and the chain of calls demonstrates how. The syntax of the graph analyzing
- Expression ::= Expression BinaryGraphOp Expression
- Expression ::= UnaryGraphOp Expression
UnaryGraphOp ::=
- BinaryGraphOp ::=
As was mentioned before, the graph analyses operate on the digraph
representation of graphs. By default, the digraph
representation is created
when needed (and deleted when no longer used), but it can also be created
explicitly by use of the closure
- Expression ::= ClosureOp Expression
- ClosureOp ::=
The interpretation of the closure
operator is the transitive closure of the
The restriction operators are defined for closures as well;
closure E | xref : Mod
is interpreted as the direct or indirect function calls
from the xref
module, while the interpretation of E | xref : Mod
is the set
of direct calls from xref
. If some graph is to be used in several graph
analyses, it saves time to assign the digraph
representation of the graph to a
user variable, and then make sure that every graph analysis operates on that
variable instead of the list representation of the graph.
The lines where functions are defined (more precisely: where the first clause
begins) and the lines where functions are used are available in functions
mode. The line numbers refer to the files where the functions are defined. This
holds also for files included with the -include
and -include_lib
which may result in functions defined apparently in the same line. The line
operators are used for assigning line numbers to functions and for assigning
sets of line numbers to function calls. The syntax is similar to the one of the
cast operator:
- Expression ::=
Expression - Expression ::=
Expression LineOp ::=
- XLineOp ::=
The interpretation of the Lin
operator applied to a set of functions assigns
to each function the line number where the function is defined. Unknown
functions and functions of library modules are assigned the number 0.
The interpretation of some LineOp operator applied to a set of function calls assigns to each call the set of line numbers where the first function calls the second function. Not all calls are assigned line numbers by all operators:
- the
operator is defined for Call Graph Edges; - the
operator is defined for Local Calls. - the
operator is defined for External Calls. - the
operator is defined for Inter Call Graph Edges.
The Lin
, XLin
) operator assigns the lines where calls (local calls,
external calls) are made. The ELin
operator assigns to each call (From, To),
for which it is defined, every line L such that there is a chain of calls from
From to To beginning with a call on line L.
operator is defined for the interpretation of any of the LineOp
operators applied to a set of function calls. The result is that of replacing
the function call with a line numbered function call, that is, each of the two
functions of the call is replaced by a pair of the function and the line where
the function is defined. The effect of the XXL
operator can be undone by the
LineOp operators. For instance, (Lin) (XXL) (Lin) E
is equivalent to
(Lin) E
The +
, -
, *
, and #
operators are defined for line number expressions,
provided the operands are compatible. The LineOp operators are also defined for
modules, applications, and releases; the operand is implicitly converted to
functions. Similarly, the cast operator is defined for the interpretation of the
LineOp operators.
The interpretation of the counting operator is the number of
elements of a set. The operator is undefined for closures. The +
, -
and *
operators are interpreted as the obvious arithmetical operators when applied to
numbers. The syntax of the counting operator:
- Expression ::= CountOp Expression
- CountOp ::=
All binary operators are left associative; for instance, A | B || C
equivalent to (A | B) || C
. The following is a list of all operators, in
increasing order of precedence:
Parentheses are used for grouping, either to make an expression more readable or to override the default precedence of operators:
- Expression ::=
A query is a non-empty sequence of statements. A statement is either an assignment of a user variable or an expression. The value of an assignment is the value of the right hand side expression. It makes no sense to put a plain expression anywhere else but last in queries. The syntax of queries is summarized by these productions:
- Query ::= Statement
... Statement ::= Assignment | Expression
Assignment ::= Variable
Expression | Variable=
A variable cannot be assigned a new value unless first removed. Variables
assigned to by the =
operator are removed at the end of the query, while
variables assigned to by the :=
operator can only be removed by calls to
. There are no user variables when module data need to be set up again;
if any of the functions that make it necessary to set up module data again is
called, all user variables are forgotten.
See Also
Adds an application, the modules of the application, and module data of the modules to an Xref server.
Adds the modules found in the given directory and the modules' data to an Xref server.
Equivalent to add_module(Name, File, [])
Adds a module and its module data to an Xref server.
Adds a release, the applications of the release, the modules of the applications, and module data of the modules to an Xref server.
Equivalent to analyze(XrefServer, Analysis, [])
The modules found in the given directory are checked for calls to deprecated functions, calls to undefined functions, and for unused local functions.
Removes all user variables of an Xref server.
Removes the user variables given by Variables
an Xref server.
Given the error returned by any function of this module, the function
returns a descriptive string of the error in English.
Returns a list of all options and their default values.
Returns the default value for option Option
Returns the library path.
The info/1
function returns information as a list of pairs {Tag, term()
some order about the state and the module data of an
Xref server.
Returns information about all items belonging to category Category
See info/3
for details.
The info
functions return information as a list of pairs {Tag, term()}
some order about the state and the module data of an
Xref server.
The given BEAM file (with or without the .beam
extension) or the file found by
calling code:which(Module)
is checked for calls to
deprecated functions, calls to
undefined functions, and for unused local
Equivalent to q(XrefServer, Query, [])
Evaluates a query in the context of an Xref server, and returns the value of the last statement.
Removes applications and their modules and module data from an Xref server.
Removes analyzed modules and module data from an Xref server.
Removes releases and their applications, modules, and module data from an Xref server.
Equivalent to replace_application(XrefServer, Application, Directory, [])
Replaces the modules of an application with other modules read from an application directory.
Equivalent to replace_module(XrefServer, Module, File, [])
Replaces module data of an analyzed module with data read from a BEAM file.
Sets default values for multiple options given by OptionValues
Sets the default value of one or more options.
Equivalent to set_library_path(XrefServer, LibraryPath, [])
Creates an Xref server.
Creates an Xref server with a given name.
Stops an Xref server.
Equivalent to update(XrefServer, [])
Replaces the module data of all
analyzed modules the BEAM files of which have been
modified since last read by an add
function or update
Equivalent to variables(XrefServer, [])
Returns a sorted lists of the names of the variables of an Xref server.
-type add_dir_rsn() :: {file_error, file(), file_error()} | {invalid_filename, term()} | {invalid_options, term()} | {unrecognized_file, file()} | beam_lib:chnk_rsn().
-type add_mod_rsn() :: {file_error, file(), file_error()} | {invalid_filename, term()} | {invalid_options, term()} | {module_clash, {module(), file(), file()}} | {no_debug_info, file()} | beam_lib:chnk_rsn().
-type analysis() :: undefined_function_calls | undefined_functions | locals_not_used | exports_not_used | deprecated_function_calls | {deprecated_function_calls, DeprFlag :: depr_flag()} | deprecated_functions | {deprecated_functions, DeprFlag :: depr_flag()} | {call, FuncSpec :: func_spec()} | {use, FuncSpec :: func_spec()} | {module_call, ModSpec :: mod_spec()} | {module_use, ModSpec :: mod_spec()} | {application_call, AppSpec :: app_spec()} | {application_use, AppSpec :: app_spec()} | {release_call, RelSpec :: rel_spec()} | {release_use, RelSpec :: rel_spec()}.
-type answer() :: false | [constant()] | [(Call :: call()) | (ComponentCall :: {component(), component()})] | [Component :: component()] | non_neg_integer() | [DefineAt :: define_at()] | [CallAt :: {funcall(), LineNumbers :: [non_neg_integer()]}] | [AllLines :: {{define_at(), define_at()}, LineNumbers :: [non_neg_integer()]}].
-type app_spec() :: application() | [application()].
-type application() :: atom().
-type component() :: [constant()].
-type constant() :: xmfa() | module() | application() | release().
-type define_at() :: {xmfa(), LineNumber :: non_neg_integer()}.
-type depr_flag() :: next_version | next_major_release | eventually.
-type directory() :: atom() | file:filename().
-type file() :: file:filename().
-type file_error() :: atom().
-type function_name() :: atom().
-type info() :: {application, Application :: [application()]} | {builtins, boolean()} | {directory, directory()} | {library_path, library_path()} | {mode, mode()} | {no_analyzed_modules, non_neg_integer()} | {no_applications, non_neg_integer()} | {no_calls, {NoResolved :: non_neg_integer(), NoUnresolved :: non_neg_integer()}} | {no_function_calls, {NoLocal :: non_neg_integer(), NoResolvedExternal :: non_neg_integer(), NoUnresolved :: non_neg_integer()}} | {no_functions, {NoLocal :: non_neg_integer(), NoExternal :: non_neg_integer()}} | {no_inter_function_calls, non_neg_integer()} | {no_releases, non_neg_integer()} | {release, Release :: [release()]} | {version, Version :: [non_neg_integer()]}.
-type library() :: atom().
-type library_path() :: path() | code_path.
-type mode() :: functions | modules.
-type path() :: [file()].
-type release() :: atom().
-type string_position() :: pos_integer().
-type variable() :: atom().
-type xarity() :: arity() | -1.
-type xmfa() :: {module(), function_name(), xarity()}.
-spec add_application(XrefServer, Directory) -> {ok, application()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | add_dir_rsn().
Equivalent to add_application(XrefServer, Directory, [])
-spec add_application(XrefServer, Directory, Options) -> {ok, application()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {builtins, boolean()} | {name, application()} | {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | builtins | verbose | warnings, Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | add_dir_rsn().
Adds an application, the modules of the application, and module data of the modules to an Xref server.
The modules will be members of the application. The default is to use
the base name of the directory with the version removed as application
name, but this can be overridden by the name
option. Returns the
name of the application.
If the given directory has a subdirectory named ebin
, modules (BEAM files) are
searched for in that directory, otherwise modules are searched for in the given
If the mode of the Xref server is functions
, BEAM files that
contain no debug information are ignored.
-spec add_directory(XrefServer, Directory) -> {ok, Modules} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Modules :: [module()], Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | add_dir_rsn().
Equivalent to add_directory(Name, Directory, [])
-spec add_directory(XrefServer, Directory, Options) -> {ok, Modules} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {builtins, boolean()} | {recurse, boolean()} | {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | builtins | recurse | verbose | warnings, Modules :: [module()], Reason :: add_dir_rsn().
Adds the modules found in the given directory and the modules' data to an Xref server.
The default is not to examine subdirectories, but if the option recurse
the value true
, modules are searched for in subdirectories on all levels as
well as in the given directory. Returns a sorted list of the names of the added
The modules added will not be members of any applications.
If the mode of the Xref server is functions
, BEAM files that
contain no debug information are ignored.
-spec add_module(XrefServer, File) -> {ok, module()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), File :: file:filename(), Reason :: add_mod_rsn().
Equivalent to add_module(Name, File, [])
-spec add_module(XrefServer, File, Options) -> {ok, module()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), File :: file:filename(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {builtins, boolean()} | {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | builtins | verbose | warnings, Reason :: add_mod_rsn().
Adds a module and its module data to an Xref server.
The module will not be member of any application. Returns the name of the module.
If the mode of the Xref server is functions
, and the BEAM
file contains no debug information, the error message
is returned.
-spec add_release(XrefServer, Directory) -> {ok, release()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | {release_clash, {release(), directory(), directory()}} | add_dir_rsn().
Equivalent to add_release(Name, Directory, [])
-spec add_release(XrefServer, Directory, Options) -> {ok, release()} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Directory :: directory(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {builtins, boolean()} | {name, release()} | {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | builtins | verbose | warnings, Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | {release_clash, {release(), directory(), directory()}} | add_dir_rsn().
Adds a release, the applications of the release, the modules of the applications, and module data of the modules to an Xref server.
The applications will be members of the release, and the modules will
be members of the applications. The default is to use the base name of
the directory as release name, but this can be overridden by the
option. Returns the name of the release.
If the given directory has a subdirectory named lib
, the directories in that
directory are assumed to be application directories, otherwise all
subdirectories of the given directory are assumed to be application directories.
If there are several versions of some application, the one with the highest
version is chosen.
If the mode of the Xref server is functions
, BEAM files that
contain no debug information are ignored.
-spec analyze(XrefServer, Analysis) -> {ok, Answer} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Analysis :: analysis(), Answer :: [term()], Reason :: analyze_rsn().
Equivalent to analyze(XrefServer, Analysis, [])
-spec analyze(XrefServer, Analysis, Options) -> {ok, Answer} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Analysis :: analysis(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {verbose, boolean()} | verbose, Answer :: [term()], Reason :: analyze_rsn().
Evaluates a predefined analysis.
Returns a sorted list without duplicates of call/0
, depending on the chosen analysis. The predefined
analyses, which operate on all analyzed
modules, are (analyses marked with (*) are
available only in mode functions
(*) - Returns a list of calls to undefined functions.undefined_functions
- Returns a list of undefined functions.locals_not_used
(*) - Returns a list of local functions that have not been locally used.exports_not_used
- Returns a list of exported functions that have not been externally used. Note that inmodules
is never reported as unused.deprecated_function_calls
(*) - Returns a list of external calls to deprecated functions.{deprecated_function_calls, DeprFlag}
(*) - Returns a list of external calls to deprecated functions. IfDeprFlag
is equal tonext_version
, calls to functions to be removed in next version are returned. IfDeprFlag
is equal tonext_major_release
, calls to functions to be removed in next major release are returned as well as calls to functions to be removed in next version. Finally, ifDeprFlag
is equal toeventually
, all calls to functions to be removed are returned, including calls to functions to be removed in next version or next major release.deprecated_functions
- Returns a list of externally used deprecated functions.{deprecated_functions, DeprFlag}
- Returns a list of externally used deprecated functions. IfDeprFlag
is equal tonext_version
, functions to be removed in next version are returned. IfDeprFlag
is equal tonext_major_release
, functions to be removed in next major release are returned as well as functions to be removed in next version. Finally, ifDeprFlag
is equal toeventually
, all functions to be removed are returned, including functions to be removed in next version or next major release.{call, FuncSpec}
(*) - Returns a list of functions called by some of the given functions.{use, FuncSpec}
(*) - Returns a list of functions that use some of the given functions.{module_call, ModSpec}
- Returns a list of modules called by some of the given modules.{module_use, ModSpec}
- Returns a list of modules that use some of the given modules.{application_call, AppSpec}
- Returns a list of applications called by some of the given applications.{application_use, AppSpec}
- Returns a list of applications that use some of the given applications.{release_call, RelSpec}
- Returns a list of releases called by some of the given releases.{release_use, RelSpec}
- Returns a list of releases that use some of the given releases.
-spec d(Directory) -> [DebugInfoResult] | [NoDebugInfoResult] | {error, module(), Reason} when Directory :: directory(), DebugInfoResult :: {deprecated, [funcall()]} | {undefined, [funcall()]} | {unused, [mfa()]}, NoDebugInfoResult :: {deprecated, [xmfa()]} | {undefined, [xmfa()]}, Reason :: {file_error, file(), file_error()} | {invalid_filename, term()} | {unrecognized_file, file()} | beam_lib:chnk_rsn().
The modules found in the given directory are checked for calls to deprecated functions, calls to undefined functions, and for unused local functions.
The code path is used as library path.
If some of the found BEAM files contain debug information, then those modules are checked and a list of tuples is returned. The first element of each tuple is one of:
, the second element is a sorted list of calls to deprecated functions;undefined
, the second element is a sorted list of calls to undefined functions;unused
, the second element is a sorted list of unused local functions.
If no BEAM file contains debug information, then a list of tuples is returned. The first element of each tuple is one of:
, the second element is a sorted list of externally used deprecated functions;undefined
, the second element is a sorted list of undefined functions.
-spec forget(XrefServer) -> ok when XrefServer :: xref().
Removes all user variables of an Xref server.
-spec forget(XrefServer, Variables) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Variables :: variable() | [variable()], Reason :: {not_user_variable, term()}.
Removes the user variables given by Variables
an Xref server.
-spec format_error(Error) -> io_lib:chars() when Error :: {error, module(), Reason :: term()}.
Given the error returned by any function of this module, the function
returns a descriptive string of the error in English.
For file errors, the function file:format_error/1
is called.
-spec get_default(XrefServer) -> [{Option, Value}] when XrefServer :: xref(), Option :: builtins | recurse | verbose | warnings, Value :: boolean().
Returns a list of all options and their default values.
-spec get_default(XrefServer, Option) -> {ok, Value} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Option :: builtins | recurse | verbose | warnings, Value :: boolean(), Reason :: {invalid_options, term()}.
Returns the default value for option Option
-spec get_library_path(XrefServer) -> {ok, LibraryPath} when XrefServer :: xref(), LibraryPath :: library_path().
Returns the library path.
The info/1
function returns information as a list of pairs {Tag, term()
some order about the state and the module data of an
Xref server.
returns information with the following tags (tags marked
with (*) are only available in functions
, the library path;mode
, the mode;no_releases
, number of releases;no_applications
, total number of applications (of all releases);no_analyzed_modules
, total number of analyzed modules;no_calls
(*), total number of calls (in all modules), regarding instances of one function call in different lines as separate calls;no_function_calls
(*), total number of local calls, resolved external calls and unresolved calls;no_functions
(*), total number of local and exported functions;no_inter_function_calls
(*), total number of calls of the Inter Call Graph.
-spec info(XrefServer, Category) -> [{Item, [Info]}] | {error, module(), {no_such_info, Category}} when XrefServer :: xref(), Category :: modules | applications | releases | libraries, Item :: module() | application() | release() | library(), Info :: info().
Returns information about all items belonging to category Category
See info/3
for details.
-spec info(XrefServer, Category, Items) -> [{Item, [Info]}] | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Category :: modules | applications | releases | libraries, Items :: Item | [Item], Item :: module() | application() | release() | library(), Info :: info(), Reason :: {no_such_application, Item} | {no_such_info, Category} | {no_such_library, Item} | {no_such_module, Item} | {no_such_release, Item}.
The info
functions return information as a list of pairs {Tag, term()}
some order about the state and the module data of an
Xref server.
and info/3
return information about all or
some of the analyzed modules, applications, releases, or library modules of an
Xref server. The following information is returned for every analyzed module:
, an empty list if the module does not belong to any application, otherwise a list of the application name;builtins
, whether calls to BIFs are included in the module's data;directory
, the directory where the module's BEAM file is located;no_calls
(*), number of calls, regarding instances of one function call in different lines as separate calls;no_function_calls
(*), number of local calls, resolved external calls and unresolved calls;no_functions
(*), number of local and exported functions;no_inter_function_calls
(*), number of calls of the Inter Call Graph;
The following information is returned for every application:
, the directory where the modules' BEAM files are located;no_analyzed_modules
, number of analyzed modules;no_calls
(*), number of calls of the application's modules, regarding instances of one function call in different lines as separate calls;no_function_calls
(*), number of local calls, resolved external calls and unresolved calls of the application's modules;no_functions
(*), number of local and exported functions of the application's modules;no_inter_function_calls
(*), number of calls of the Inter Call Graph of the application's modules;release
, an empty list if the application does not belong to any release, otherwise a list of the release name;version
, the application's version as a list of numbers. For instance, the directory "kernel-2.6" results in the application namekernel
and the application version [2,6]; "kernel" yields the namekernel
and the version [].
The following information is returned for every release:
, the release directory;no_analyzed_modules
, number of analyzed modules;no_applications
, number of applications;no_calls
(*), number of calls of the release's modules, regarding instances of one function call in different lines as separate calls;no_function_calls
(*), number of local calls, resolved external calls and unresolved calls of the release's modules;no_functions
(*), number of local and exported functions of the release's modules;no_inter_function_calls
(*), number of calls of the Inter Call Graph of the release's modules.
The following information is returned for every library module:
, the directory where the library module's BEAM file is located.
For every number of calls, functions, and so on returned by the no_
tags, there is a
query returning the same number. Listed below are examples of such queries. Some
of the queries return the sum of a two or more of the no_
tags numbers. mod
, rel
) refers to any module (application, release).
"# AM"
(info/1)"# (Mod) app:App"
(application)"# (Mod) rel:Rel"
"# A"
. The sum of the number of resolved and unresolved calls:"# (XLin) E + # (LLin) E"
(info/1)"T = E | mod:Mod, # (LLin) T + # (XLin) T"
(module)"T = E | app:App, # (LLin) T + # (XLin) T"
(application)"T = E | rel:Rel, # (LLin) T + # (XLin) T"
. Functions in library modules and the functionsmodule_info/0,1
are not counted byinfo
. Assuming that"Extra := _:module_info/\"(0|1)\" + LM"
has been evaluated, the sum of the number of local and exported functions are:"# (F - Extra)"
(info/1)"# (F * mod:Mod - Extra)"
(module)"# (F * app:App - Extra)"
(application)"# (F * rel:Rel - Extra)"
. The sum of the number of local calls, resolved external calls and unresolved calls:"# LC + # XC"
(info/1)"# LC | mod:Mod + # XC | mod:Mod"
(module)"# LC | app:App + # XC | app:App"
(application)"# LC | rel:Rel + # XC | mod:Rel"
"# EE"
(info/1)"# EE | mod:Mod"
(module)"# EE | app:App"
(application)"# EE | rel:Rel"
"# R"
-spec m(FileOrModule) -> [DebugInfoResult] | [NoDebugInfoResult] | {error, module(), Reason} when FileOrModule :: file:filename() | module(), DebugInfoResult :: {deprecated, [funcall()]} | {undefined, [funcall()]} | {unused, [mfa()]}, NoDebugInfoResult :: {deprecated, [xmfa()]} | {undefined, [xmfa()]}, Reason :: {cover_compiled, Module :: module()} | {file_error, file(), file_error()} | {interpreted, Module :: module()} | {invalid_filename, term()} | {no_such_module, Module :: module()} | beam_lib:chnk_rsn().
The given BEAM file (with or without the .beam
extension) or the file found by
calling code:which(Module)
is checked for calls to
deprecated functions, calls to
undefined functions, and for unused local
The code path is used as library path.
If the BEAM file contains debug information, a list of tuples is returned. The first element of each tuple is one of:
, the second element is a sorted list of calls to deprecated functions;undefined
, the second element is a sorted list of calls to undefined functions;unused
, the second element is a sorted list of unused local functions.
If the BEAM file does not contain debug information, a list of tuples is returned. The first element of each tuple is one of:
, the second element is a sorted list of externally used deprecated functions;undefined
, the second element is a sorted list of undefined functions.
-spec q(XrefServer, Query) -> {ok, Answer} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Query :: string() | atom(), Answer :: answer(), Reason :: q_rsn().
Equivalent to q(XrefServer, Query, [])
-spec q(XrefServer, Query, Options) -> {ok, Answer} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Query :: string() | atom(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {verbose, boolean()} | verbose, Answer :: answer(), Reason :: q_rsn().
Evaluates a query in the context of an Xref server, and returns the value of the last statement.
The syntax of the value depends on the expression:
- A set of calls is represented by a sorted list without duplicates of
. - A set of constants is represented by a sorted list without duplicates of
. - A set of strongly connected components is a sorted list without duplicates of
. - A set of calls between strongly connected components is a sorted list without
duplicates of
. - A chain of calls is represented by a list of
. The list contains the From vertex of every call and the To vertex of the last call. - The
operator returnsfalse
if no chain of calls between the given constants can be found. - The value of the
operator (thedigraph
representation) is represented by the atom'closure()'
. - A set of line numbered functions is represented by a sorted list without
duplicates of
. - A set of line numbered function calls is represented by a sorted list without
duplicates of
. - A set of line numbered functions and function calls is represented by a sorted
list without duplicates of
For both CallAt
and AllLines
it holds that for no list element is
an empty list; such elements have been removed. The constants of
and the integers of LineNumbers
are sorted and without duplicates.
-spec remove_application(XrefServer, Applications) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Applications :: application() | [application()], Reason :: {no_such_application, application()}.
Removes applications and their modules and module data from an Xref server.
-spec remove_module(XrefServer, Modules) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Modules :: module() | [module()], Reason :: {no_such_module, module()}.
Removes analyzed modules and module data from an Xref server.
-spec remove_release(XrefServer, Releases) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Releases :: release() | [release()], Reason :: {no_such_release, release()}.
Removes releases and their applications, modules, and module data from an Xref server.
-spec replace_application(XrefServer, Application, Directory) -> {ok, Application} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Application :: application(), Directory :: directory(), Reason :: {no_such_application, Application} | add_dir_rsn().
Equivalent to replace_application(XrefServer, Application, Directory, [])
-spec replace_application(XrefServer, Application, Directory, Options) -> {ok, Application} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Application :: application(), Directory :: directory(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {builtins, boolean()} | {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | builtins | verbose | warnings, Reason :: {application_clash, {application(), directory(), directory()}} | {no_such_application, Application} | add_dir_rsn().
Replaces the modules of an application with other modules read from an application directory.
Release membership of the application is retained. Note that the name of the application is kept; the name of the given directory is not used.
-spec replace_module(XrefServer, Module, File) -> {ok, Module} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Module :: module(), File :: file(), Reason :: {module_mismatch, Module, ReadModule :: module()} | {no_such_module, Module} | add_mod_rsn().
Equivalent to replace_module(XrefServer, Module, File, [])
-spec replace_module(XrefServer, Module, File, Options) -> {ok, Module} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Module :: module(), File :: file(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | verbose | warnings, Reason :: {module_mismatch, Module, ReadModule :: module()} | {no_such_module, Module} | add_mod_rsn().
Replaces module data of an analyzed module with data read from a BEAM file.
Application membership of the module is retained, and so is the value of the
option of the module. An error is returned if the name of the read
module differs from the given module.
The update
function is an alternative for updating module data of recompiled
-spec set_default(XrefServer, OptionValues) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), OptionValues :: OptionValue | [OptionValue], OptionValue :: {Option, Value}, Option :: builtins | recurse | verbose | warnings, Value :: boolean(), Reason :: {invalid_options, term()}.
Sets default values for multiple options given by OptionValues
See set_default/3
for the name of options and their allowed values.
-spec set_default(XrefServer, Option, Value) -> {ok, OldValue} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Option :: builtins | recurse | verbose | warnings, Value :: boolean(), OldValue :: boolean(), Reason :: {invalid_options, term()}.
Sets the default value of one or more options.
The options that can be set this way are:
, with initial default valuefalse
, with initial default valuefalse
, with initial default valuefalse
, with initial default valuetrue
The initial default values are set when creating an Xref server.
-spec set_library_path(XrefServer, LibraryPath) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), LibraryPath :: library_path(), Reason :: {file_error, file(), file_error()} | {invalid_options, term()} | {invalid_path, term()}.
Equivalent to set_library_path(XrefServer, LibraryPath, [])
-spec set_library_path(XrefServer, LibraryPath, Options) -> ok | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), LibraryPath :: library_path(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {verbose, boolean()} | verbose, Reason :: {invalid_options, term()} | {invalid_path, term()}.
Sets the library path.
If the given path is a list of directories, the set of library modules is determined by choosing the first module encountered while traversing the directories in the given order, for those modules that occur in more than one directory. By default, the library path is an empty list.
The library path code_path
is used by the functions
and d/1
, but can also be set explicitly. However,
note that the code path will be traversed once for each used
library module while setting up module data. On the
other hand, if there are only a few modules that are used but not analyzed,
using code_path
may be faster than setting the library path to
If the library path is set to code_path
, the set of library modules is not
determined, and the info
functions will return empty lists of library modules.
-spec start(NameOrOptions) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} when NameOrOptions :: Name | Options, Name :: atom(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {xref_mode, mode()} | term().
Creates an Xref server.
The process can optionally be given a name. The default
mode is functions
. Options that are
not recognized by Xref are passed on to gen_server:start/4
-spec start(Name, Options) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} when Name :: atom(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {xref_mode, mode()} | term().
Creates an Xref server with a given name.
The default mode is functions
. Options that are
not recognized by Xref are passed on to gen_server:start/4
-spec stop(XrefServer) -> stopped when XrefServer :: xref().
Stops an Xref server.
-spec update(XrefServer) -> {ok, Modules} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Modules :: [module()], Reason :: {module_mismatch, module(), ReadModule :: module()} | add_mod_rsn().
Equivalent to update(XrefServer, [])
-spec update(XrefServer, Options) -> {ok, Modules} | {error, module(), Reason} when XrefServer :: xref(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: {verbose, boolean()} | {warnings, boolean()} | verbose | warnings, Modules :: [module()], Reason :: {module_mismatch, module(), ReadModule :: module()} | add_mod_rsn().
Replaces the module data of all
analyzed modules the BEAM files of which have been
modified since last read by an add
function or update
Application membership of the modules is retained, and so is the value
of the builtins
option. Returns a sorted list of the names of
the replaced modules.
-spec variables(XrefServer) -> {ok, [VariableInfo]} when XrefServer :: xref(), VariableInfo :: {predefined, [variable()]} | {user, [variable()]}.
Equivalent to variables(XrefServer, [])
-spec variables(XrefServer, Options) -> {ok, [VariableInfo]} when XrefServer :: xref(), Options :: Option | [Option], Option :: predefined | user | {verbose, boolean()} | verbose, VariableInfo :: {predefined, [variable()]} | {user, [variable()]}.
Returns a sorted lists of the names of the variables of an Xref server.
The default is to return only the user variables.