string (stdlib v6.2.1)
View SourceString processing functions.
This module provides functions for string processing.
A string in this module is represented by unicode:chardata/0
, that is, a
list of codepoints, binaries with UTF-8-encoded codepoints (UTF-8 binaries),
or a mix of the two.
"abcd" is a valid string
<<"abcd">> is a valid string
["abcd"] is a valid string
<<"abc..åäö"/utf8>> is a valid string
<<"abc..åäö">> is NOT a valid string,
but a binary with Latin-1-encoded codepoints
[<<"abc">>, "..åäö"] is a valid string
[atom] is NOT a valid string
This module operates on grapheme clusters. A grapheme cluster is a user-perceived character, which can be represented by several codepoints.
"å" [229] or [97, 778]
"e̊" [101, 778]
The string length of "ß↑e̊" is 3, even though it is represented by the codepoints
or the UTF-8 binary <<195,159,226,134,145,101,204,138>>
Grapheme clusters for codepoints of class prepend
and non-modern (or
decomposed) Hangul is not handled for performance reasons in find/3
, split/2
, split/3
and trim/3
Splitting and appending strings is to be done on grapheme clusters borders. There is no verification that the results of appending strings are valid or normalized.
Most of the functions expect all input to be normalized to one form, see for
example unicode:characters_to_nfc_list/1
Language or locale specific handling of input is not considered in any function.
The functions can crash for non-valid input strings. For example, the functions expect UTF-8 binaries but not all functions verify that all binaries are encoded correctly.
Unless otherwise specified the return value type is the same as the input type. That is, binary input returns binary output, list input returns a list output, and mixed input can return a mixed output.
1> string:trim(" sarah ").
2> string:trim(<<" sarah ">>).
3> string:lexemes("foo bar", " ").
4> string:lexemes(<<"foo bar">>, " ").
This module has been reworked in Erlang/OTP 20 to handle unicode:chardata/0
and operate on grapheme clusters. The
old functions
that only work on Latin-1
lists as input are still available but should not be used, they will be
deprecated in a future release.
Some of the general string functions can seem to overlap each other. The reason is that this string package is the combination of two earlier packages and all functions of both packages have been retained.
A user-perceived character, consisting of one or more codepoints.
Converts String
to a case-agnostic comparable string. Function
is preferred over lowercase/1
when two strings are to be compared for equality. See also equal/4
Returns a string where any trailing \n
or \r\n
have been removed from
Equivalent to equal(A, B, true)
Equivalent to equal(A, B, IgnoreCase, none)
Returns true
if A
and B
are equal, otherwise false
Equivalent to find(String, SearchPattern, leading)
Removes anything before SearchPattern
in String
and returns the remainder of
the string or nomatch
if SearchPattern
is not found. Dir
, which can be
or trailing
, indicates from which direction characters are to be
Returns true
if String
is the empty string, otherwise false
Returns a float between +0.0
and 1.0
representing the
Jaro similarity
between the given strings. Strings with a higher similarity will score closer
to 1.0
, with +0.0
meaning no similarity and 1.0
meaning an exact match.
Returns the number of grapheme clusters in String
Returns a list of lexemes in String
, separated by the grapheme clusters in
Converts String
to lowercase.
Returns the first codepoint in String
and the rest of String
in the tail.
Returns an empty list if String
is empty or an {error, String}
tuple if the
next byte is invalid.
Returns the first grapheme cluster in String
and the rest of String
in the
tail. Returns an empty list if String
is empty or an {error, String}
if the next byte is invalid.
Returns lexeme number N
in String
, where lexemes are separated by the
grapheme clusters in SeparatorList
Equivalent to pad(String, Length, trailing)
Equivalent to pad(String, Length, Dir, $ )
Pads String
to Length
with grapheme cluster Char
. Dir
, which can be
, trailing
, or both
, indicates where the padding should be added.
If Prefix
is the prefix of String
, removes it and returns the remainder of
, otherwise returns nomatch
Equivalent to replace(String, SearchPattern, Replacement, leading)
Replaces SearchPattern
in String
with Replacement
. Where
, indicates whether
the leading
, the trailing
or all
encounters of SearchPattern
are to be replaced.
Returns the reverse list of the grapheme clusters in String
Equivalent to slice(String, Length, infinity)
Returns a substring of String
of at most Length
grapheme clusters, starting
at position Start
Splits String
where SearchPattern
is encountered and return the remaining
parts. Where
, default leading
, indicates whether the leading
, the
or all
encounters of SearchPattern
will split String
Equivalent to take(String, Characters, false)
Takes characters from String
as long as the characters are members of set
or the complement of set Characters
. Dir
, which can be
or trailing
, indicates from which direction characters are to be
Converts String
to titlecase.
Argument String
is expected to start with a valid text represented float (the
digits are ASCII values). Remaining characters in the string after the float are
returned in Rest
Converts String
to a list of grapheme clusters.
Argument String
is expected to start with a valid text represented integer
(the digits are ASCII values). Remaining characters in the string after the
integer are returned in Rest
Equivalent to trim(String, both)
Equivalent to trim(String, Dir, Whitespace})
is the set of nonbreakable whitespace codepoints, defined
as Pattern_White_Space in
Unicode Standard Annex #31.
Returns a string, where leading or trailing, or both, Characters
have been
Converts String
to uppercase.
Obsolete API functions
Equivalent to centre(String, Number, $ )
Returns a string, where String
is centered in the string and surrounded by
blanks or Character
. The resulting string has length Number
Equivalent to chars(Character, Number, [])
Returns a string consisting of Number
characters Character
. Optionally, the
string can end with string Tail
Returns the index of the first occurrence of Character
in String
. Returns
if Character
does not occur.
Concatenates String1
and String2
to form a new string String3
, which is
Returns a string containing String
repeated Number
Returns the length of the maximum initial segment of String
, which consists
entirely of characters not from Chars
Returns a string with the elements of StringList
separated by the string in
Equivalent to left(String, Number, $ )
Returns String
with the length adjusted in accordance with Number
. The left
margin is fixed. If length(String)
< Number
, then String
padded with blanks or Character
Returns the number of characters in String
Returns the index of the last occurrence of Character
in String
. Returns 0
if Character
does not occur.
Equivalent to right(String, Number, $ )
Returns String
with the length adjusted in accordance with Number
. The right
margin is fixed. If the length of (String)
< Number
, then String
is padded
with blanks or Character
Returns the position where the last occurrence of SubString
begins in
. Returns 0
if SubString
does not exist in String
Returns the length of the maximum initial segment of String
, which consists
entirely of characters from Chars
Returns the position where the first occurrence of SubString
begins in
. Returns 0
if SubString
does not exist in String
Equivalent to strip(String, both)
Equivalent to strip(String, Direction, $ )
Returns a string, where leading or trailing, or both, blanks or a number of
have been removed.
Returns a substring of String
, starting at position Start
to the end of the
string, or to and including position Stop
Equivalent to sub_word(String, Number, $ )
Returns the word in position Number
of String
. Words are separated by blanks
or Character
Returns a substring of String
, starting at position Start
, and ending at the
end of the string or at length Length
The specified string or character is case-converted. Notice that the supported character set is ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also called Latin 1); all values outside this set are unchanged.
The specified string or character is case-converted. Notice that the supported character set is ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also called Latin 1); all values outside this set are unchanged.
Returns a list of tokens in String
, separated by the characters in
Equivalent to words(String, $ )
Returns the number of words in String
, separated by blanks or Character
-spec casefold(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> unicode:chardata().
Converts String
to a case-agnostic comparable string. Function
is preferred over lowercase/1
when two strings are to be compared for equality. See also equal/4
1> string:casefold("Ω and ẞ SHARP S").
"ω and ss sharp s"
-spec chomp(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> unicode:chardata().
Returns a string where any trailing \n
or \r\n
have been removed from
182> string:chomp(<<"\nHello\n\n">>).
183> string:chomp("\nHello\r\r\n").
-spec equal(A, B) -> boolean() when A :: unicode:chardata(), B :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to equal(A, B, true)
-spec equal(A, B, IgnoreCase) -> boolean() when A :: unicode:chardata(), B :: unicode:chardata(), IgnoreCase :: boolean().
Equivalent to equal(A, B, IgnoreCase, none)
-spec equal(A, B, IgnoreCase, Norm) -> boolean() when A :: unicode:chardata(), B :: unicode:chardata(), IgnoreCase :: boolean(), Norm :: none | nfc | nfd | nfkc | nfkd.
Returns true
if A
and B
are equal, otherwise false
If IgnoreCase
is true
the function does casefold
ing on the
fly before the equality test.
If Norm
is not none
the function applies normalization on the fly before the
equality test. There are four available normalization forms:
, and
1> string:equal("åäö", <<"åäö"/utf8>>).
2> string:equal("åäö", unicode:characters_to_nfd_binary("åäö")).
3> string:equal("åäö", unicode:characters_to_nfd_binary("ÅÄÖ"), true, nfc).
-spec find(String, SearchPattern) -> unicode:chardata() | nomatch when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to find(String, SearchPattern, leading)
-spec find(String, SearchPattern, Dir) -> unicode:chardata() | nomatch when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata(), Dir :: direction().
Removes anything before SearchPattern
in String
and returns the remainder of
the string or nomatch
if SearchPattern
is not found. Dir
, which can be
or trailing
, indicates from which direction characters are to be
1> string:find("", ".").
2> string:find(<<"">>, "..", trailing).
3> string:find(<<"">>, "x", leading).
4> string:find("", "x", trailing).
-spec is_empty(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if String
is the empty string, otherwise false
1> string:is_empty("foo").
2> string:is_empty(["",<<>>]).
-spec jaro_similarity(String1, String2) -> Similarity when String1 :: unicode:chardata(), String2 :: unicode:chardata(), Similarity :: float().
Returns a float between +0.0
and 1.0
representing the
Jaro similarity
between the given strings. Strings with a higher similarity will score closer
to 1.0
, with +0.0
meaning no similarity and 1.0
meaning an exact match.
1> string:jaro_similarity("ditto", "ditto").
2> string:jaro_similarity("foo", "bar").
3> string:jaro_similarity("michelle", "michael").
4> string:jaro_similarity(<<"Édouard"/utf8>>, <<"Claude">>).
The Jaro distance between two strings can be calculated with
JaroDistance = 1.0 - JaroSimilarity
-spec length(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the number of grapheme clusters in String
1> string:length("ß↑e̊").
2> string:length(<<195,159,226,134,145,101,204,138>>).
-spec lexemes(String :: unicode:chardata(), SeparatorList :: [grapheme_cluster()]) -> [unicode:chardata()].
Returns a list of lexemes in String
, separated by the grapheme clusters in
Notice that, as shown in this example, two or more adjacent separator graphemes
clusters in String
are treated as one. That is, there are no empty strings in
the resulting list of lexemes. See also split/3
which returns empty strings.
Notice that [$\r,$\n]
is one grapheme cluster.
1> string:lexemes("abc de̊fxxghix jkl\r\nfoo", "x e" ++ [[$\r,$\n]]).
2> string:lexemes(<<"abc de̊fxxghix jkl\r\nfoo"/utf8>>, "x e" ++ [$\r,$\n]).
-spec lowercase(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> unicode:chardata().
Converts String
to lowercase.
Notice that function casefold/1
should be used when converting a string to be
tested for equality.
2> string:lowercase(string:uppercase("Michał")).
-spec next_codepoint(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(char(), unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.
Returns the first codepoint in String
and the rest of String
in the tail.
Returns an empty list if String
is empty or an {error, String}
tuple if the
next byte is invalid.
1> string:next_codepoint(unicode:characters_to_binary("e̊fg")).
-spec next_grapheme(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(grapheme_cluster(), unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.
Returns the first grapheme cluster in String
and the rest of String
in the
tail. Returns an empty list if String
is empty or an {error, String}
if the next byte is invalid.
1> string:next_grapheme(unicode:characters_to_binary("e̊fg")).
-spec nth_lexeme(String, N, SeparatorList) -> unicode:chardata() when String :: unicode:chardata(), N :: non_neg_integer(), SeparatorList :: [grapheme_cluster()].
Returns lexeme number N
in String
, where lexemes are separated by the
grapheme clusters in SeparatorList
1> string:nth_lexeme("̊f.ghiejkl", 3, ".e").
-spec pad(String, Length) -> unicode:charlist() when String :: unicode:chardata(), Length :: integer().
Equivalent to pad(String, Length, trailing)
-spec pad(String, Length, Dir) -> unicode:charlist() when String :: unicode:chardata(), Length :: integer(), Dir :: direction() | both.
Equivalent to pad(String, Length, Dir, $ )
-spec pad(String, Length, Dir, Char) -> unicode:charlist() when String :: unicode:chardata(), Length :: integer(), Dir :: direction() | both, Char :: grapheme_cluster().
Pads String
to Length
with grapheme cluster Char
. Dir
, which can be
, trailing
, or both
, indicates where the padding should be added.
1> string:pad(<<"He̊llö"/utf8>>, 8).
2> io:format("'~ts'~n",[string:pad("He̊llö", 8, leading)]).
' He̊llö'
3> io:format("'~ts'~n",[string:pad("He̊llö", 8, both)]).
' He̊llö '
-spec prefix(String :: unicode:chardata(), Prefix :: unicode:chardata()) -> nomatch | unicode:chardata().
If Prefix
is the prefix of String
, removes it and returns the remainder of
, otherwise returns nomatch
1> string:prefix(<<"prefix of string">>, "pre").
<<"fix of string">>
2> string:prefix("pre", "prefix").
-spec replace(String, SearchPattern, Replacement) -> [unicode:chardata()] when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata(), Replacement :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to replace(String, SearchPattern, Replacement, leading)
-spec replace(String, SearchPattern, Replacement, Where) -> [unicode:chardata()] when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata(), Replacement :: unicode:chardata(), Where :: direction() | all.
Replaces SearchPattern
in String
with Replacement
. Where
, indicates whether
the leading
, the trailing
or all
encounters of SearchPattern
are to be replaced.
Can be implemented as:
lists:join(Replacement, split(String, SearchPattern, Where)).
1> string:replace(<<"">>, "..", "*").
2> string:replace(<<"">>, "..", "*", all).
-spec reverse(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> [grapheme_cluster()].
Returns the reverse list of the grapheme clusters in String
1> Reverse = string:reverse(unicode:characters_to_nfd_binary("ÅÄÖ")).
2> io:format("~ts~n",[Reverse]).
-spec slice(String, Start) -> Slice when String :: unicode:chardata(), Start :: non_neg_integer(), Slice :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to slice(String, Length, infinity)
-spec slice(String, Start, Length) -> Slice when String :: unicode:chardata(), Start :: non_neg_integer(), Length :: infinity | non_neg_integer(), Slice :: unicode:chardata().
Returns a substring of String
of at most Length
grapheme clusters, starting
at position Start
1> string:slice(<<"He̊llö Wörld"/utf8>>, 4).
<<"ö Wörld"/utf8>>
2> string:slice(["He̊llö ", <<"Wörld"/utf8>>], 4,4).
"ö Wö"
3> string:slice(["He̊llö ", <<"Wörld"/utf8>>], 4,50).
"ö Wörld"
-spec split(String, SearchPattern) -> [unicode:chardata()] when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to split(String, SearchPattern, leading)
-spec split(String, SearchPattern, Where) -> [unicode:chardata()] when String :: unicode:chardata(), SearchPattern :: unicode:chardata(), Where :: direction() | all.
Splits String
where SearchPattern
is encountered and return the remaining
parts. Where
, default leading
, indicates whether the leading
, the
or all
encounters of SearchPattern
will split String
0> string:split("", "..").
1> string:split(<<"">>, "..", trailing).
2> string:split(<<"">>, "..", all).
-spec take(String, Characters) -> {Leading, Trailing} when String :: unicode:chardata(), Characters :: [grapheme_cluster()], Leading :: unicode:chardata(), Trailing :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to take(String, Characters, false)
-spec take(String, Characters, Complement) -> {Leading, Trailing} when String :: unicode:chardata(), Characters :: [grapheme_cluster()], Complement :: boolean(), Leading :: unicode:chardata(), Trailing :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to take(String, Characters, Complement, leading)
-spec take(String, Characters, Complement, Dir) -> {Leading, Trailing} when String :: unicode:chardata(), Characters :: [grapheme_cluster()], Complement :: boolean(), Dir :: direction(), Leading :: unicode:chardata(), Trailing :: unicode:chardata().
Takes characters from String
as long as the characters are members of set
or the complement of set Characters
. Dir
, which can be
or trailing
, indicates from which direction characters are to be
5> string:take("abc0z123", lists:seq($a,$z)).
6> string:take(<<"abc0z123">>, lists:seq($0,$9), true, leading).
7> string:take("abc0z123", lists:seq($0,$9), false, trailing).
8> string:take(<<"abc0z123">>, lists:seq($a,$z), true, trailing).
-spec titlecase(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> unicode:chardata().
Converts String
to titlecase.
1> string:titlecase("ß is a SHARP s").
"Ss is a SHARP s"
-spec to_float(String) -> {Float, Rest} | {error, Reason} when String :: unicode:chardata(), Float :: float(), Rest :: unicode:chardata(), Reason :: no_float | badarg.
Argument String
is expected to start with a valid text represented float (the
digits are ASCII values). Remaining characters in the string after the float are
returned in Rest
1> {F1,Fs} = string:to_float("1.0-1.0e-1"),
1> {F2,[]} = string:to_float(Fs),
1> F1+F2.
2> string:to_float("3/2=1.5").
3> string:to_float("-1.5eX").
-spec to_graphemes(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> [grapheme_cluster()].
Converts String
to a list of grapheme clusters.
1> string:to_graphemes("ß↑e̊").
2> string:to_graphemes(<<"ß↑e̊"/utf8>>).
-spec to_integer(String) -> {Int, Rest} | {error, Reason} when String :: unicode:chardata(), Int :: integer(), Rest :: unicode:chardata(), Reason :: no_integer | badarg.
Argument String
is expected to start with a valid text represented integer
(the digits are ASCII values). Remaining characters in the string after the
integer are returned in Rest
1> {I1,Is} = string:to_integer("33+22"),
1> {I2,[]} = string:to_integer(Is),
1> I1-I2.
2> string:to_integer("0.5").
3> string:to_integer("x=2").
-spec trim(String) -> unicode:chardata() when String :: unicode:chardata().
Equivalent to trim(String, both)
-spec trim(String, Dir) -> unicode:chardata() when String :: unicode:chardata(), Dir :: direction() | both.
Equivalent to trim(String, Dir, Whitespace})
is the set of nonbreakable whitespace codepoints, defined
as Pattern_White_Space in
Unicode Standard Annex #31.
-spec trim(String, Dir, Characters) -> unicode:chardata() when String :: unicode:chardata(), Dir :: direction() | both, Characters :: [grapheme_cluster()].
Returns a string, where leading or trailing, or both, Characters
have been
which can be leading
, trailing
, or both
, indicates from
which direction characters are to be removed.
Note that [$\r,$\n]
is one grapheme cluster according to the Unicode
1> string:trim("\t Hello \n").
2> string:trim(<<"\t Hello \n">>, leading).
<<"Hello \n">>
3> string:trim(<<".Hello.\n">>, trailing, "\n.").
-spec uppercase(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> unicode:chardata().
Converts String
to uppercase.
See also titlecase/1
1> string:uppercase("Michał").
Obsolete API functions
-spec centre(String, Number) -> Centered when String :: string(), Centered :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer().
Equivalent to centre(String, Number, $ )
-spec centre(String, Number, Character) -> Centered when String :: string(), Centered :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer(), Character :: char().
Returns a string, where String
is centered in the string and surrounded by
blanks or Character
. The resulting string has length Number
-spec chars(Character, Number) -> String when Character :: char(), Number :: non_neg_integer(), String :: string().
Equivalent to chars(Character, Number, [])
-spec chars(Character, Number, Tail) -> String when Character :: char(), Number :: non_neg_integer(), Tail :: string(), String :: string().
Returns a string consisting of Number
characters Character
. Optionally, the
string can end with string Tail
This function is obsolete. Use
-spec chr(String, Character) -> Index when String :: string(), Character :: char(), Index :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the index of the first occurrence of Character
in String
. Returns
if Character
does not occur.
-spec concat(String1, String2) -> String3 when String1 :: string(), String2 :: string(), String3 :: string().
Concatenates String1
and String2
to form a new string String3
, which is
This function is obsolete. Use
[String1, String2]
as Data
argument, and call unicode:characters_to_list/2
or unicode:characters_to_binary/2
to flatten the output.
-spec copies(String, Number) -> Copies when String :: string(), Copies :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer().
Returns a string containing String
repeated Number
This function is obsolete. Use
-spec cspan(String, Chars) -> Length when String :: string(), Chars :: string(), Length :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the length of the maximum initial segment of String
, which consists
entirely of characters not from Chars
This function is obsolete. Use take/3
1> string:cspan("\t abcdef", " \t").
-spec join(StringList, Separator) -> String when StringList :: [string()], Separator :: string(), String :: string().
Returns a string with the elements of StringList
separated by the string in
This function is obsolete. Use
1> join(["one", "two", "three"], ", ").
"one, two, three"
-spec left(String, Number) -> Left when String :: string(), Left :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer().
Equivalent to left(String, Number, $ )
-spec left(String, Number, Character) -> Left when String :: string(), Left :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer(), Character :: char().
Returns String
with the length adjusted in accordance with Number
. The left
margin is fixed. If length(String)
< Number
, then String
padded with blanks or Character
This function is obsolete. Use pad/2
1> string:left("Hello",10,$.).
-spec len(String) -> Length when String :: string(), Length :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the number of characters in String
-spec rchr(String, Character) -> Index when String :: string(), Character :: char(), Index :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the index of the last occurrence of Character
in String
. Returns 0
if Character
does not occur.
-spec right(String, Number) -> Right when String :: string(), Right :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer().
Equivalent to right(String, Number, $ )
-spec right(String, Number, Character) -> Right when String :: string(), Right :: string(), Number :: non_neg_integer(), Character :: char().
Returns String
with the length adjusted in accordance with Number
. The right
margin is fixed. If the length of (String)
< Number
, then String
is padded
with blanks or Character
This function is obsolete. Use pad/3
1> string:right("Hello", 10, $.).
-spec rstr(String, SubString) -> Index when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Index :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the position where the last occurrence of SubString
begins in
. Returns 0
if SubString
does not exist in String
This function is obsolete. Use find/3
1> string:rstr(" Hello Hello World World ", "Hello World").
-spec span(String, Chars) -> Length when String :: string(), Chars :: string(), Length :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the length of the maximum initial segment of String
, which consists
entirely of characters from Chars
This function is obsolete. Use take/2
1> string:span("\t abcdef", " \t").
-spec str(String, SubString) -> Index when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Index :: non_neg_integer().
Returns the position where the first occurrence of SubString
begins in
. Returns 0
if SubString
does not exist in String
This function is obsolete. Use find/2
1> string:str(" Hello Hello World World ", "Hello World").
Equivalent to strip(String, both)
-spec strip(String, Direction) -> Stripped when String :: string(), Stripped :: string(), Direction :: left | right | both.
Equivalent to strip(String, Direction, $ )
-spec strip(String, Direction, Character) -> Stripped when String :: string(), Stripped :: string(), Direction :: left | right | both, Character :: char().
Returns a string, where leading or trailing, or both, blanks or a number of
have been removed.
, which can be left
, right
, or
, indicates from which direction blanks are to be removed.
is equivalent to strip(String, both)
This function is obsolete. Use trim/3
1> string:strip("...Hello.....", both, $.).
-spec sub_string(String, Start) -> SubString when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Start :: pos_integer().
Equivalent to sub_string(String, Start, string:length(String))
-spec sub_string(String, Start, Stop) -> SubString when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Start :: pos_integer(), Stop :: pos_integer().
Returns a substring of String
, starting at position Start
to the end of the
string, or to and including position Stop
This function is obsolete. Use slice/3
1> sub_string("Hello World", 4, 8).
"lo Wo"
-spec sub_word(String, Number) -> Word when String :: string(), Word :: string(), Number :: integer().
Equivalent to sub_word(String, Number, $ )
-spec sub_word(String, Number, Character) -> Word when String :: string(), Word :: string(), Number :: integer(), Character :: char().
Returns the word in position Number
of String
. Words are separated by blanks
or Character
This function is obsolete. Use
1> string:sub_word(" Hello old boy !",3,$o).
"ld b"
-spec substr(String, Start) -> SubString when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Start :: pos_integer().
Equivalent to substr(String, Start, string:length(String) - Start)
-spec substr(String, Start, Length) -> SubString when String :: string(), SubString :: string(), Start :: pos_integer(), Length :: non_neg_integer().
Returns a substring of String
, starting at position Start
, and ending at the
end of the string or at length Length
This function is obsolete. Use slice/3
1> substr("Hello World", 4, 5).
"lo Wo"
-spec to_lower(String) -> Result when String :: io_lib:latin1_string(), Result :: io_lib:latin1_string(); (Char) -> CharResult when Char :: char(), CharResult :: char().
The specified string or character is case-converted. Notice that the supported character set is ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also called Latin 1); all values outside this set are unchanged.
This function is obsolete use
, titlecase/1
or casefold/1
-spec to_upper(String) -> Result when String :: io_lib:latin1_string(), Result :: io_lib:latin1_string(); (Char) -> CharResult when Char :: char(), CharResult :: char().
The specified string or character is case-converted. Notice that the supported character set is ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also called Latin 1); all values outside this set are unchanged.
This function is obsolete use
, titlecase/1
or casefold/1
-spec tokens(String, SeparatorList) -> Tokens when String :: string(), SeparatorList :: string(), Tokens :: [Token :: nonempty_string()].
Returns a list of tokens in String
, separated by the characters in
1> tokens("abc defxxghix jkl", "x ").
["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
Notice that, as shown in this example, two or more adjacent separator characters
in String
are treated as one. That is, there are no empty strings in the
resulting list of tokens.
-spec words(String) -> Count when String :: string(), Count :: pos_integer().
Equivalent to words(String, $ )
-spec words(String, Character) -> Count when String :: string(), Character :: char(), Count :: pos_integer().
Returns the number of words in String
, separated by blanks or Character
This function is obsolete. Use lexemes/2
1> words(" Hello old boy!", $o).