API Reference common_test v1.27.5



Main user interface for the Common Test framework.

Common Test framework code coverage support module.

FTP client module (based on the ftp application).

A callback interface on top of Common Test.

Distributed test execution control for Common Test.

NETCONF client module.

Support in Common Test for running property-based tests.

Common Test specific layer on Erlang/OTP rpc.

Common Test framework functions for starting and stopping nodes for Large-Scale Testing.

Common Test user interface module for the SNMP application.

SSH/SFTP client module.

The following section describes the mandatory and optional test suite functions that Common Test calls during test execution. For more details, see section Writing Test Suites in the User's Guide.

Common Test specific layer on top of Telnet client ct_telnet_client.erl.

Parsing of test specifications for Common Test.

Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a Telnet server on a UNIX host.