ct_master (common_test v1.27.7)
View SourceDistributed test execution control for Common Test
This module exports functions for running Common Test
nodes on multiple hosts
in parallel.
Filename of test spec to be executed.
Stops all running tests.
Stops tests on specified nodes.
If set to true
, the ct_master logs
are written on a primitive HTML format,
not using the Common Test
CSS style sheet.
Gets a reference to the Common Test
master event manager. The reference can be
used to, for example, add a user-specific event handler while tests are running.
Returns test progress. If Status
is ongoing
, tests are running on the node
and are not yet finished.
Run tests on spawned nodes as specified in TestSpecs
(see run/4
Tests are spawned on the nodes as specified in TestSpecs
. Each specification
in TestSpec
is handled separately. However, it is also possible to specify a
list of specifications to be merged into one specification before the tests are
executed. Any test without a particular node specification is also executed on
the nodes in InclNodes
. Nodes in the ExclNodes
list are excluded from the
Equivalent to run_on_node(TestSpecs, false, Node)
Tests are spawned on Node
according to TestSpecs
Tests are spawned on Node
using ct:run_test/1
-type test_spec() :: file:name_all().
Filename of test spec to be executed.
-spec abort() -> ok.
Stops all running tests.
-spec abort(Nodes) -> ok when Nodes :: Node | [Node], Node :: node().
Stops tests on specified nodes.
-spec basic_html(Bool) -> ok when Bool :: boolean().
If set to true
, the ct_master logs
are written on a primitive HTML format,
not using the Common Test
CSS style sheet.
-spec get_event_mgr_ref() -> atom().
Gets a reference to the Common Test
master event manager. The reference can be
used to, for example, add a user-specific event handler while tests are running.
gen_event:add_handler(ct_master:get_event_mgr_ref(), my_ev_h, [])
Returns test progress. If Status
is ongoing
, tests are running on the node
and are not yet finished.
-spec run(TestSpecs) -> [{Specs, ok} | {error, Reason}] when TestSpecs :: TestSpec | [TestSpec] | [[TestSpec]], TestSpec :: test_spec(), Specs :: [file:filename_all()], Reason :: term().
Run tests on spawned nodes as specified in TestSpecs
(see run/4
Equivalent to run(TestSpecs, false, [], [])
called with TestSpecs being list of strings;
Equivalent to run([TS], false, [], [])
called with TS being string.
-spec run(TestSpecs, InclNodes, ExclNodes) -> [{Specs, ok} | {error, Reason}] when TestSpecs :: TestSpec | [TestSpec] | [[TestSpec]], TestSpec :: test_spec(), InclNodes :: [node()], ExclNodes :: [node()], Specs :: [file:filename_all()], Reason :: term().
Equivalent to run(TestSpecs, false, InclNodes, ExclNodes)
-spec run(TestSpecs, AllowUserTerms, InclNodes, ExclNodes) -> [{Specs, ok} | {error, Reason}] when TestSpecs :: TestSpec | [TestSpec] | [[TestSpec]], TestSpec :: test_spec(), AllowUserTerms :: boolean(), InclNodes :: [node()], ExclNodes :: [node()], Specs :: [file:filename_all()], Reason :: term().
Tests are spawned on the nodes as specified in TestSpecs
. Each specification
in TestSpec
is handled separately. However, it is also possible to specify a
list of specifications to be merged into one specification before the tests are
executed. Any test without a particular node specification is also executed on
the nodes in InclNodes
. Nodes in the ExclNodes
list are excluded from the
-spec run_on_node(TestSpecs, Node) -> [{Specs, ok} | {error, Reason}] when TestSpecs :: TestSpec | [TestSpec] | [[TestSpec]], TestSpec :: test_spec(), Node :: node(), Specs :: [file:filename_all()], Reason :: term().
Equivalent to run_on_node(TestSpecs, false, Node)
-spec run_on_node(TestSpecs, AllowUserTerms, Node) -> [{Specs, ok} | {error, Reason}] when TestSpecs :: TestSpec | [TestSpec] | [[TestSpec]], TestSpec :: test_spec(), AllowUserTerms :: boolean(), Node :: node(), Specs :: [file:filename_all()], Reason :: term().
Tests are spawned on Node
according to TestSpecs
-spec run_test(Node, Opts) -> ok when Node :: node(), Opts :: [OptTuples], OptTuples :: {dir, TestDirs} | {suite, Suites} | {group, Groups} | {testcase, Cases} | {spec, TestSpecs} | {join_specs, boolean()} | {label, Label} | {config, CfgFiles} | {userconfig, UserConfig} | {allow_user_terms, boolean()} | {logdir, LogDir} | {silent_connections, Conns} | {stylesheet, CSSFile} | {cover, CoverSpecFile} | {cover_stop, boolean()} | {step, StepOpts} | {event_handler, EventHandlers} | {include, InclDirs} | {auto_compile, boolean()} | {abort_if_missing_suites, boolean()} | {create_priv_dir, CreatePrivDir} | {multiply_timetraps, M} | {scale_timetraps, boolean()} | {repeat, N} | {duration, DurTime} | {until, StopTime} | {force_stop, ForceStop} | {decrypt, DecryptKeyOrFile} | {refresh_logs, LogDir} | {logopts, LogOpts} | {verbosity, VLevels} | {basic_html, boolean()} | {esc_chars, boolean()} | {keep_logs, KeepSpec} | {ct_hooks, CTHs} | {ct_hooks_order, CTHsOrder} | {enable_builtin_hooks, boolean()} | {release_shell, boolean()}, TestDirs :: [string()] | string(), Suites :: [string()] | [atom()] | string() | atom(), Cases :: [atom()] | atom(), Groups :: GroupNameOrPath | [GroupNameOrPath], GroupNameOrPath :: [atom()] | atom() | all, TestSpecs :: [string()] | string(), Label :: string() | atom(), CfgFiles :: [string()] | string(), UserConfig :: [{CallbackMod, CfgStrings}] | {CallbackMod, CfgStrings}, CallbackMod :: atom(), CfgStrings :: [string()] | string(), LogDir :: string(), Conns :: all | [atom()], CSSFile :: string(), CoverSpecFile :: string(), StepOpts :: [StepOpt], StepOpt :: config | keep_inactive, EventHandlers :: EH | [EH], EH :: atom() | {atom(), InitArgs} | {[atom()], InitArgs}, InitArgs :: [term()], InclDirs :: [string()] | string(), CreatePrivDir :: auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc, M :: integer(), N :: integer(), DurTime :: HHMMSS, HHMMSS :: string(), StopTime :: YYMoMoDDHHMMSS | HHMMSS, YYMoMoDDHHMMSS :: string(), ForceStop :: skip_rest | boolean(), DecryptKeyOrFile :: {key, DecryptKey} | {file, DecryptFile}, DecryptKey :: string(), DecryptFile :: string(), LogOpts :: [LogOpt], LogOpt :: no_nl | no_src, VLevels :: VLevel | [{Category, VLevel}], VLevel :: integer(), Category :: atom(), KeepSpec :: all | pos_integer(), CTHs :: [CTHModule | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs}], CTHsOrder :: atom(), CTHModule :: atom(), CTHInitArgs :: term().
Tests are spawned on Node
using ct:run_test/1