Displays the reports that match the provided filters.
When a filter includes the no atom, it excludes the reports that match that filter.
The reports are matched using the proplists module in STDLIB. The report must be a proplist to be matched against any of the filters.
If the filter has the form {Key, RegExp, re}, the report must contain an element with key equal to Key and the value must match the regular expression RegExp.
If parameter Dates is specified, the reports are filtered according to the date when they occurred. If Dates has the form {DateFrom, from}, reports that occurred after DateFrom are displayed.
If Dates has the form {DateTo, to}, reports that occurred before DateTo are displayed.
If two Dates are specified, reports that occurred between those dates are returned.
To filter only by dates, specify the empty list as the Filters parameter.
For details about parameter RegExp, see rb:grep/1.
For details about data type mp(), see re:mp().
For details about data type datetime(), see calendar:datetime().