View Source wxFontPickerCtrl (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxFontPickerCtrl class

This control allows the user to select a font. The generic implementation is a button which brings up a wxFontDialog when clicked. Native implementation may differ but this is usually a (small) widget which give access to the font-chooser dialog. It is only available if wxUSE_FONTPICKERCTRL is set to 1 (the default).


This class supports the following styles:

See: wxFontDialog, wxFontPickerEvent

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxPickerBase wxControl wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxFontPickerCtrl


Event types emitted from this class: command_fontpicker_changed



Creates this widget with given parameters.

Destroys the object.

Returns the maximum point size value allowed for the user-chosen font.

Returns the currently selected font.

Initializes the object and calls create/4 with all the parameters.

Sets the maximum point size value allowed for the user-chosen font.

Sets the currently selected font.


-type wxFontPickerCtrl() :: wx:wx_object().


Link to this function

create(This, Parent, Id)

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-spec create(This, Parent, Id) -> boolean()
                when This :: wxFontPickerCtrl(), Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id :: integer().
-spec create(This, Parent, Id, [Option]) -> boolean()
                    This :: wxFontPickerCtrl(),
                    Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                    Id :: integer(),
                    Option ::
                        {initial, wxFont:wxFont()} |
                        {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                        {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                        {style, integer()} |
                        {validator, wx:wx_object()}.

Creates this widget with given parameters.

Return: true if the control was successfully created or false if creation failed.

-spec destroy(This :: wxFontPickerCtrl()) -> ok.

Destroys the object.

-spec getMaxPointSize(This) -> integer() when This :: wxFontPickerCtrl().

Returns the maximum point size value allowed for the user-chosen font.

-spec getSelectedFont(This) -> wxFont:wxFont() when This :: wxFontPickerCtrl().

Returns the currently selected font.

Note that this function is completely different from wxWindow:getFont/1.

-spec new() -> wxFontPickerCtrl().
-spec new(Parent, Id) -> wxFontPickerCtrl() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id :: integer().
-spec new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxFontPickerCtrl()
                 Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                 Id :: integer(),
                 Option ::
                     {initial, wxFont:wxFont()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {validator, wx:wx_object()}.

Initializes the object and calls create/4 with all the parameters.

Link to this function

setMaxPointSize(This, Max)

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-spec setMaxPointSize(This, Max) -> ok when This :: wxFontPickerCtrl(), Max :: integer().

Sets the maximum point size value allowed for the user-chosen font.

The default value is 100. Note that big fonts can require a lot of memory and CPU time both for creation and for rendering; thus, specially because the user has the option to specify the fontsize through a text control (see wxFNTP_USE_TEXTCTRL), it's a good idea to put a limit to the maximum font size when huge fonts do not make much sense.

Link to this function

setSelectedFont(This, Font)

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-spec setSelectedFont(This, Font) -> ok when This :: wxFontPickerCtrl(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont().

Sets the currently selected font.

Note that this function is completely different from wxWindow:setFont/2.