json (stdlib v6.2.2)

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A library for encoding and decoding JSON.

This module implements EEP68.

Both encoder and decoder fully conform to RFC 8259 and ECMA 404 standards. The decoder is tested using JSONTestSuite.



Parses a JSON value from Binary.

Parses a JSON value from Binary.

Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Generates JSON corresponding to Term.

Generates JSON corresponding to Term.

Default encoder for atoms used by json:encode/1.

Default encoder for binaries as JSON strings used by json:encode/1.

Encoder for binaries as JSON strings producing pure-ASCII JSON.

Default encoder for floats as JSON numbers used by json:encode/1.

Default encoder for integers as JSON numbers used by json:encode/1.

Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Default encoder for lists as JSON arrays used by json:encode/1.

Default encoder for maps as JSON objects used by json:encode/1.

Encoder for maps as JSON objects.

Default encoder used by json:encode/1.

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Default format function used by json:format/1.



(since OTP 27.0)
-type array_finish_fun() :: fun((ArrayAcc :: dynamic(), OldAcc :: dynamic()) -> {dynamic(), dynamic()}).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type array_push_fun() :: fun((Value :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic()) -> NewAcc :: dynamic()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type array_start_fun() :: fun((Acc :: dynamic()) -> ArrayAcc :: dynamic()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-opaque continuation_state()


(since OTP 27.0)
-type decode_value() ::
          integer() |
          float() |
          boolean() |
          null |
          binary() |
          [decode_value()] |
          #{binary() => decode_value()}.


(since OTP 27.0)
-type decoders() ::
          #{array_start => array_start_fun(),
            array_push => array_push_fun(),
            array_finish => array_finish_fun(),
            object_start => object_start_fun(),
            object_push => object_push_fun(),
            object_finish => object_finish_fun(),
            float => from_binary_fun(),
            integer => from_binary_fun(),
            string => from_binary_fun(),
            null => term()}.


(not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type encode_map(Value) :: #{binary() | atom() | integer() => Value}.


(since OTP 27.0)
-type encode_value() ::
          integer() |
          float() |
          boolean() |
          null |
          binary() |
          atom() |
          [encode_value()] |

Simple JSON value encodeable with json:encode/1.


(since OTP 27.0)
-type encoder() :: fun((dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type formatter() :: fun((Term :: dynamic(), Encoder :: formatter(), State :: map()) -> iodata()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type from_binary_fun() :: fun((binary()) -> dynamic()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type object_finish_fun() ::
          fun((ObjectAcc :: dynamic(), OldAcc :: dynamic()) -> {dynamic(), dynamic()}).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type object_push_fun() ::
          fun((Key :: dynamic(), Value :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic()) -> NewAcc :: dynamic()).


(since OTP 27.0)
-type object_start_fun() :: fun((Acc :: dynamic()) -> ObjectAcc :: dynamic()).



(since OTP 27.0)
-spec decode(binary()) -> decode_value().

Parses a JSON value from Binary.

Supports basic data mapping:

Numberinteger() | float()
Booleantrue | false
Object#{binary() => _}


  • error(unexpected_end) if Binary contains incomplete JSON value
  • error({invalid_byte, Byte}) if Binary contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byte
  • error({unexpected_sequence, Bytes}) if Binary contains invalid UTF-8 escape


> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>).
#{<<"foo">> => 1}

decode(Binary, Acc0, Decoders)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec decode(binary(), dynamic(), decoders()) -> {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()}.

Parses a JSON value from Binary.

Similar to decode/1 except the decoding process can be customized with the callbacks specified in Decoders. The callbacks will use the Acc value as the initial accumulator.

Any leftover, unparsed data in Binary will be returned.

Default callbacks

All callbacks are optional. If not provided, they will fall back to implementations used by the decode/1 function:

  • for array_start: fun(_) -> [] end
  • for array_push: fun(Elem, Acc) -> [Elem | Acc] end

  • for array_finish: fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), OldAcc} end
  • for object_start: fun(_) -> [] end
  • for object_push: fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{Key, Value} | Acc] end

  • for object_finish: fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {maps:from_list(Acc), OldAcc} end
  • for float: fun erlang:binary_to_float/1
  • for integer: fun erlang:binary_to_integer/1
  • for string: fun (Value) -> Value end
  • for null: the atom null


  • error({invalid_byte, Byte}) if Binary contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byte
  • error({unexpected_sequence, Bytes}) if Binary contains invalid UTF-8 escape
  • error(unexpected_end) if Binary contains incomplete JSON value


Decoding object keys as atoms:

> Push = fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{binary_to_existing_atom(Key), Value} | Acc] end.
> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>, ok, #{object_push => Push}).
{#{foo => 1},ok,<<>>}


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec decode_continue(binary() | end_of_input, Opaque :: term()) ->
                         {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()} |
                         {continue, continuation_state()}.

Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Similar to decode_start/3, if the function returns {continue, State} and there is no more data, use end_of_input instead of a binary.

> {continue, State} = json:decode_start(<<"{\"foo\":">>, ok, #{}).
> json:decode_continue(<<"1}">>, State).
{#{foo => 1},ok,<<>>}
> {continue, State} = json:decode_start(<<"123">>, ok, #{}).
> json:decode_continue(end_of_input, State).

decode_start(Binary, Acc, Decoders)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec decode_start(binary(), dynamic(), decoders()) ->
                      {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()} |
                      {continue, continuation_state()}.

Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Similar to decode/3 but returns when a complete JSON value can be parsed or returns {continue, State} for incomplete data, the State can be fed to the decode_continue/2 function when more data is available.


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode(encode_value()) -> iodata().

Generates JSON corresponding to Term.

Supports basic data mapping:

integer() | float()Number
true | falseBoolean
#{binary() => _}Object
#{atom() => _}Object
#{integer() => _}Object

This is equivalent to encode(Term, fun json:encode_value/2).


> iolist_to_binary(json:encode(#{foo => <<"bar">>})).

encode(Term, Encoder)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode(dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata().

Generates JSON corresponding to Term.

Can be customised with the Encoder callback. The callback will be recursively called for all the data to be encoded and is expected to return the corresponding encoded JSON as iodata.

Various encode_* functions in this module can be used to help in constructing such callbacks.


An encoder that uses a heuristic to differentiate object-like lists of key-value pairs from plain lists:

> encoder([{_, _} | _] = Value, Encode) -> json:encode_key_value_list(Value, Encode);
> encoder(Other, Encode) -> json:encode_value(Other, Encode).
> custom_encode(Value) -> json:encode(Value, fun(Value, Encode) -> encoder(Value, Encode) end).
> iolist_to_binary(custom_encode([{a, []}, {b, 1}])).


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_atom(atom(), encoder()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for atoms used by json:encode/1.

Encodes the atom null as JSON null, atoms true and false as JSON booleans, and everything else as JSON strings calling the Encode callback with the corresponding binary.


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_binary(binary()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for binaries as JSON strings used by json:encode/1.


  • error(unexpected_end) if the binary contains incomplete UTF-8 sequences.
  • error({invalid_byte, Byte}) if the binary contains invalid UTF-8 sequences.


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_binary_escape_all(binary()) -> iodata().

Encoder for binaries as JSON strings producing pure-ASCII JSON.

For any non-ASCII unicode character, a corresponding \\uXXXX sequence is used.


  • error(unexpected_end) if the binary contains incomplete UTF-8 sequences.
  • error({invalid_byte, Byte}) if the binary contains invalid UTF-8 sequences.


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_float(float()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for floats as JSON numbers used by json:encode/1.


(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_integer(integer()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for integers as JSON numbers used by json:encode/1.

encode_key_value_list(List, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_key_value_list([{term(), term()}], encoder()) -> iodata().

Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.

encode_key_value_list_checked(List, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_key_value_list_checked([{term(), term()}], encoder()) -> iodata().

Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys. Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the resulting JSON object.


Raises error({duplicate_key, Key}) if there are duplicates.

encode_list(List, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_list(list(), encoder()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for lists as JSON arrays used by json:encode/1.

encode_map(Map, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_map(encode_map(dynamic()), encoder()) -> iodata().

Default encoder for maps as JSON objects used by json:encode/1.

Accepts maps with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.

encode_map_checked(Map, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_map_checked(map(), encoder()) -> iodata().

Encoder for maps as JSON objects.

Accepts maps with atom, binary, integer, or float keys. Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the resulting JSON object.


Raises error({duplicate_key, Key}) if there are duplicates.

encode_value(Value, Encode)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec encode_value(dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata().

Default encoder used by json:encode/1.

Recursively calls Encode on all the values in Value.


(since OTP 27.1)
-spec format(Term :: encode_value()) -> iodata().

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Similiar to encode/1 but with added whitespaces for formatting.

> io:put_chars(json:format(#{foo => <<"bar">>, baz => 52})).
  "baz": 52,
  "foo": "bar"


(since OTP 27.1)
-spec format(Term :: encode_value(), Opts :: map()) -> iodata();
            (Term :: dynamic(), Encoder :: formatter()) -> iodata().

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Equivalent to format(Term, fun json:format_value/3, Options) or format(Term, Encoder, #{})

format(Term, Encoder, Options)

(since OTP 27.1)
-spec format(Term :: dynamic(), Encoder :: formatter(), Options :: map()) -> iodata().

Generates formatted JSON corresponding to Term.

Similar to encode/2, can be customised with the Encoder callback and Options.

Options can include 'indent' to specify number of spaces per level and 'max' which loosely limits the width of lists.

The Encoder will get a 'State' argument which contains the 'Options' maps merged with other data when recursing through 'Term'.

format_value/3 or various encode_* functions in this module can be used to help in constructing such callbacks.

> formatter({posix_time, SysTimeSecs}, Encode, State) ->
    TimeStr = calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(SysTimeSecs, [{offset, "Z"}]),
    json:format_value(unicode:characters_to_binary(TimeStr), Encode, State);
> formatter(Other, Encode, State) -> json:format_value(Other, Encode, State).
> Fun = fun(Value, Encode, State) -> formatter(Value, Encode, State) end.
> Options = #{indent => 4}.
> Term = #{id => 1, time => {posix_time, erlang:system_time(seconds)}}.
> io:put_chars(json:format(Term, Fun, Options)).
    "id": 1,
    "time": "2024-05-23T16:07:48Z"


(since OTP 27.2)
-spec format_key_value_list([{term(), term()}], Encode :: formatter(), State :: map()) -> iodata().

Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.

format_key_value_list_checked(KVList, UserEnc, State)

(since OTP 27.2)
-spec format_key_value_list_checked([{term(), term()}], Encoder :: formatter(), State :: map()) ->

Format function for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.

Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys. Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the resulting JSON object.


Raises error({duplicate_key, Key}) if there are duplicates.

format_value(Value, Encode, State)

(since OTP 27.1)
-spec format_value(Value :: dynamic(), Encode :: formatter(), State :: map()) -> iodata().

Default format function used by json:format/1.

Recursively calls Encode on all the values in Value, and indents objects and lists.