auth (kernel v10.2.3)

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This module is deprecated. See each function for what to use instead.

Erlang network authentication server.

For a description of the Magic Cookie system, refer to Distributed Erlang in the Erlang Reference Manual.



cookie() deprecated

Use erlang:get_cookie() in ERTS instead.

is_auth(Node) deprecated

Returns yes if communication with Node is authorized.

Sets the magic cookie of Node to Cookie and verifies the status of the authorization.



(not exported)
-type cookie() :: atom().



This function is deprecated. auth:cookie/0 is deprecated; use erlang:get_cookie/0 instead.
-spec cookie() -> Cookie when Cookie :: cookie().

Use erlang:get_cookie() in ERTS instead.


This function is deprecated. auth:cookie/1 is deprecated; use erlang:set_cookie/2 instead.
-spec cookie(TheCookie) -> true when TheCookie :: Cookie | [Cookie], Cookie :: cookie().

Use erlang:set_cookie(node(), Cookie) in ERTS instead.


This function is deprecated. auth:is_auth/1 is deprecated; use net_adm:ping/1 instead.
-spec is_auth(Node) -> yes | no when Node :: node().

Returns yes if communication with Node is authorized.

Use net_adm:ping(Node) instead.

Notice that a connection to Node is established in this case. Returns no if Node does not exist or communication is not authorized (it has another cookie than auth thinks it has).

node_cookie([Node, Cookie])

This function is deprecated. auth:node_cookie/1 is deprecated; use erlang:set_cookie/2 and net_adm:ping/1 instead.
-spec node_cookie(Cookies :: [node() | cookie(), ...]) -> yes | no.

Equivalent to node_cookie(Node, Cookie).

node_cookie(Node, Cookie)

This function is deprecated. auth:node_cookie/2 is deprecated; use erlang:set_cookie/2 and net_adm:ping/1 instead.
-spec node_cookie(Node, Cookie) -> yes | no when Node :: node(), Cookie :: cookie().

Sets the magic cookie of Node to Cookie and verifies the status of the authorization.

Equivalent to calling erlang:set_cookie(Node, Cookie), followed by auth:is_auth(Node).