ct_testspec (common_test v1.27.7)
View SourceParsing of test specifications for Common Test
This module exports help functions for parsing of test specifications.
Parse the given test specification files and return the tests to run and skip.
-spec get_tests(Specs) -> {ok, [{Specs, Tests}]} | {error, Reason} when Specs :: [string()] | [[string()]], Tests :: {Node, Run, Skip}, Node :: atom(), Run :: {Dir, Suites, Cases}, Skip :: {Dir, Suites, Comment} | {Dir, Suites, Cases, Comment}, Dir :: string(), Suites :: atom | [atom()] | all, Cases :: atom | [atom()] | all, Comment :: string(), Reason :: term().
Parse the given test specification files and return the tests to run and skip.
If SpecsIn=[Spec1,Spec2,...]
, separate tests will be created per
specification. If SpecsIn=[[Spec1,Spec2,...]]
, all specifications will be
merge into one test.
For each test, a {Specs,Tests}
element is returned, where Specs
is a list of
all included test specifications, and Tests
specifies actual tests to run/skip
per node.