Dialyzer warning when returning a prolist

Paulo Zulato paulozulato@REDACTED
Wed May 19 15:01:25 CEST 2021

Hi all,

I have opened an issue as recommended by Kostis. Follow the link:

P.S.: I don't know why but his email has not reached my inbox (neither spam
folder), but I've seem his response on digest mail. Because of this, I'm
replying to Stanislav's response.

Best regards,
Paulo Zulato

«Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?»

On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 11:36, Stanislav Ledenev <s.ledenev@REDACTED> wrote:

> I think all of the special with proplist simply cuts down to the fact that
> proplist's types are exported.
> If you made your own module with types you'll get same "working" dialyzer.
> myprops.erl
> --------------
> -module(myprops).
> -type property() :: atom() | tuple().
> -type proplist() :: [property()].
> -export_type([proplist/0, property/0]).
> test.erl
> -----------
> -spec test() -> myprops:proplist().
> Perhaps it is somehow connected with the "dynamic" nature of exported
> types in the eyes of the dialyzer.
> Sorry I can't say more than this. I've never dug so deep with the dialyzer.
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