Patch Package OTP Released

Thu Jul 22 09:17:08 CEST 2021

Patch Package:           OTP
Git Tag:                 OTP-
Date:                    2021-07-22
Trouble Report Id:       OTP-17150, OTP-17475, OTP-17493, OTP-17500,
                         OTP-17506, OTP-17509, OTP-17513, OTP-17522,
                         OTP-17525, OTP-17529
Seq num:                 GH-4809, GH-4877, GH-4902, GH-4958, GH-4964,
System:                  OTP
Release:                 23
Application:             asn1-, common_test-,
                         erts-, public_key-,
                         ssl-, stdlib-
Predecessor:             OTP

 Check out the git tag OTP-, and build a full OTP system
 including documentation. Apply one or more applications from this
 build as patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply'
 tool. For information on install requirements, see descriptions for
 each application version below.

 --- asn1- ---------------------------------------------------

 The asn1- application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 23 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17522    Application(s): asn1
               Related Id(s): GH-4902

               A parameterized type with a SEQUENCE with extension
               ("...") made the compiler backend to crash. The
               previous fix for this in GH-4514 was not complete.

 Full runtime dependencies of asn1- erts-7.0, kernel-3.0,

 --- common_test- --------------------------------------------

 The common_test- application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 23 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17506    Application(s): common_test

               An incoming NETCONF notification received before a call
               to ct_netconfc:create_subscription/* caused the
               connection process to fail with badarg. Unexpected
               notifications are now logged in the same way as other
               unexpected messages.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17509    Application(s): common_test

               Add 'receiver' option to ct_netconfc

               To allow a destination for incoming NETCONF
               notifications to be specified at sessions creation.
               Previously, a caller of create_subscription/* became
               the destination, but RFC 5277 create-subscription is no
               longer the only way in which NETCONF notifications can
               be ordered.

 Full runtime dependencies of common_test- compiler-6.0,
 crypto-3.6, debugger-4.1, erts-7.0, ftp-1.0.0, inets-6.0, kernel-4.0,
 observer-2.1, runtime_tools-1.8.16, sasl-2.4.2, snmp-5.1.2, ssh-4.0,
 stdlib-3.5, syntax_tools-1.7, tools-2.8, xmerl-1.3.8

 --- erts- ---------------------------------------------------

 The erts- application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 23 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17493    Application(s): erts

               Microstate accounting (msacc) and os:perf_counter()
               unintentionally used system time instead of monotonic
               time for time measurements on a lot of systems. These
               systems were all non x86/x86_64 systems or x86/x86_64
               systems without a reliable and constant rdtsc

               The lock counting (lcnt) built runtime system also
               unintentionally used system time instead of monotonic
               time for time measurements on all systems.

  OTP-17500    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): GH-4809

               Simultaneous calls to
               erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, _) could cause
               callers to end up in a suspended state forever.

  OTP-17513    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): GH-4964, PR-5015

               Fix rare race bug in memory management of distribution
               entries. Have been seen to cause VM crash when massive
               number of repeated concurrent failing connection

 Full runtime dependencies of erts- kernel-7.0, sasl-3.3,

 --- public_key- ---------------------------------------------

 The public_key- application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 23 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17475    Application(s): public_key, ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-4877

               Handle cross-signed root certificates when old root
               expired as reported in GH-4877.

 Full runtime dependencies of public_key- asn1-3.0,
 crypto-3.8, erts-6.0, kernel-3.0, stdlib-3.5

 --- ssl- ----------------------------------------------------

 Note! The ssl- application *cannot* be applied independently
       of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 23 installation.

       On a full OTP 23 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- public_key- (first satisfied in OTP

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17475    Application(s): public_key, ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-4877

               Handle cross-signed root certificates when old root
               expired as reported in GH-4877.

  OTP-17529    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-4958, PR-4979

               The signature selection algorithm has been changed to
               also verify if the client supports signatures using the
               elliptic curve of the server's public/private key pair.
               This change fixes #4958.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17150    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-4877

               Slight optimization of certificate decoding.

 Full runtime dependencies of ssl- crypto-4.2, erts-10.0,
 inets-5.10.7, kernel-6.0, public_key-, stdlib-3.12

 --- stdlib- -------------------------------------------------

 The stdlib- application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 23 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17525    Application(s): stdlib
               Related Id(s): GH-5053

               Fix a bug that could cause a crash when formatting
               tuples using the control sequences p or P and limiting
               the output with the option chars_limit.

 Full runtime dependencies of stdlib- compiler-5.0,
 crypto-3.3, erts-11.0, kernel-7.0, sasl-3.0


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