mnesia initialization
Oleksii Semilietov
Fri Nov 8 03:44:42 CET 2019
Actually you need first to check does table exists on local node or not.
Instead of just create_table you should have some routine like
init_table(TableName, TableDef) ->
AllTables = mnesia:system_info(tables),
case lists:member(TableName, AllTables) of
false ->
mnesia:create_table(TableName, TableDef);
true ->
In wait_table you should implement mnesia loading table routine.
The great starting point how to wrap up mnesia routine is in
and in
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 07:58, Karlo Kuna <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have problem with mnesia initialization,
> I have a db_init function that initializes db so that if tables do not
> exist they are created (ram with disc_copies). For example:
> db_init() ->
> mnesia:create_table(some_record,[{attributes, record_info(fields,
> some_record)},
> {type,
> bag}, {disc_copies, [node()]}]).
> I'm running this function on the app start to make sure the table exists
> and is ready.
> However half of the time it destroys old table returning {atomic, ok} and
> another half it returns with already_exists. Also, this happens in the
> regular fashion, if I have n starts of application, even starts would
> destroy data and even wold keeps old data. I know that I am missing
> something probably obvious here but if anyone has any insights on why is
> this happening and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thank You,
> Karlo.
Best regards,
Alex [Oleksii Semilietov]
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