[erlang-questions] webrtc lib

Benoit Chesneau bchesneau@REDACTED
Thu May 17 10:41:11 CEST 2018

Thanks for the infos. I agrre and was thinking to use the wa transport .
But the main idea in wrapping it is to be able to ship it as a standalone
software without relying on a container thing. Of course having a native
way to it in erlang would be better :)


On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, Stefan Hellkvist <hellkvist@REDACTED> wrote:

> > 16 maj 2018 kl. 18:44 skrev Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@REDACTED>:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was about to wrap janus in an erlang app to be able to communicate
> with browsers, but then I wondered if there isn't a "native" implementation
> these days ? Also I couldn't find a wrapper but maybe someone already wrote
> one?
> I am not sure what you mean with “wrapper” and “wrapping” but if you mean
> to somehow run Janus inside Erlang or linking to it I have not done that
> and I am not sure I understand why one would do that.
> I have run Janus with an Erlang node controlling it but that Erlang node
> is just using Janus’ JSONRPC interface over Websocket which is pretty
> straight forward to implement in Erlang (and any other language). I don’t
> have much code that I can share from this though sadly and I only
> implemented the few Janus calls that I needed (setting of calls in
> audiobridge and videoroom plugins) but it worked ok and I am happy to
> assist if you have questions.
> Janus has some hiccups I must say - there are some segfaults now and then
> depending on what plugins you use (see the issues on github for instance)
> but if you spread the calls over many Janus instances a crash will only
> affect a small set of users at least and not your entire user base. I could
> also not find the docs for the actual calls towards the plugins so you end
> up opening the plugin code to understand what parameters to include in the
> rpc calls.
> Stefan
> >
> > The main goal of using webrtc there is mostly beeing able to handle some
> UI in a P2P manner.
> >
> > Benoit
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