[erlang-questions] webrtc lib
Stefan Hellkvist
Wed May 16 23:00:40 CEST 2018
> 16 maj 2018 kl. 18:44 skrev Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@REDACTED>:
> Hi all,
> I was about to wrap janus in an erlang app to be able to communicate with browsers, but then I wondered if there isn't a "native" implementation these days ? Also I couldn't find a wrapper but maybe someone already wrote one?
I am not sure what you mean with “wrapper” and “wrapping” but if you mean to somehow run Janus inside Erlang or linking to it I have not done that and I am not sure I understand why one would do that.
I have run Janus with an Erlang node controlling it but that Erlang node is just using Janus’ JSONRPC interface over Websocket which is pretty straight forward to implement in Erlang (and any other language). I don’t have much code that I can share from this though sadly and I only implemented the few Janus calls that I needed (setting of calls in audiobridge and videoroom plugins) but it worked ok and I am happy to assist if you have questions.
Janus has some hiccups I must say - there are some segfaults now and then depending on what plugins you use (see the issues on github for instance) but if you spread the calls over many Janus instances a crash will only affect a small set of users at least and not your entire user base. I could also not find the docs for the actual calls towards the plugins so you end up opening the plugin code to understand what parameters to include in the rpc calls.
> The main goal of using webrtc there is mostly beeing able to handle some UI in a P2P manner.
> Benoit
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