[erlang-questions] Running a Unix Subprocess
Jesper Louis Andersen
Tue Sep 27 20:01:04 CEST 2016
My advice is to use Serge Aleynikov's "erlexec" for this:
It is built for exactly the purpose of handling "bad UNIX processes" in a
way which makes them somewhat more in alignment with what Erlang provides.
In particular, you can receive monitor-like events if the external process
dies. It also handles the close-down of UNIX processes, should the Erlang
system die. And so on. In short, it solves a lot of problems you would have
to solve yourself otherwise.
On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Zachary Kessin <zkessin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi all
> I want to run a sub process that will connect via StdIn and StdOut. Is
> there an easy way to do this? I had thought to use a port but as the child
> process was not written with the assumption that it is running inside a
> port i don't want to have to prepend length bytes onto the inputs and
> outputs.
> Is there an easy way to do this in erlang?
> --
> Zach Kessin
> SquareTarget <http://squaretarget.rocks?utm_source=email-sig>
> Twitter: @zkessin <https://twitter.com/zkessin>
> Skype: zachkessin
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