[erlang-questions] Apology

Mon Sep 19 07:05:52 CEST 2016

I have been taken to task in private e-mail by someone
who detected in my response to the "list comprehension puzzle"
both "aggressive sarcasm" and "undisguised contempt".

In all honesty, no sarcasm was intended. (A sarcastic response
would not have pointed to the Erlang reference manual.) Nor
was any contempt whatsoever involved.  I should not have to
reassure long-term readers of this mailing list that these
attitudes my critic claimed to detect were entirely imaginary.

However, it shows that it was possible for people to misread
what I wrote.  If anyone took offence at the message I
*meant* to be helpful, please accept my assurance that no
offence was intended and my unreserved apology for the offence.

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