[erlang-questions] Printed list to Erlang function
Richard A. O'Keefe
Wed Mar 30 02:50:08 CEST 2016
On 30/03/16 6:14 am, Felix Gallo wrote:
> if you don't mind massaging your text file into erlang term format,
> then you could use file:consult() to pull it into erlang in a fairly
> nice and seamless way. If your list might get big,
It's a list of stop-words. The stop-word list for any language is going
to be at most
a few hundred words, and is likely to be changed less often than
anything else in the
program. On the other hand, is_stopword/1 is going to be called for
*EVERY* (or
almost every) word in the data that's processed; this is a function you
want to be
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