[erlang-questions] High memory consumption inside docker
Lukas Larsson
Tue Mar 29 18:44:19 CEST 2016
You want to start the emulator with the "+Mim true +Mis true" flags and
then use instrument (http://erlang.org/doc/man/instrument.html) to inspect
what is going on. The most interesting for you should be something like:
For example:
erl +Mis true +Mim true
Erlang/OTP 19 [DEVELOPMENT] [erts-8.0] [source-9946a17] [64-bit]
[smp:16:16] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
1> lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2,instrument:memory_status(types))).
So in the above we can see that the timer wheel structures take the most
memory and then code, proc tab etc etc.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Michał Muskała <michal@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> This is a followup from the elixir mailing list:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/elixir-lang-talk/TqIcSVkHBxs/N1nWRWW9BwAJ
> There were several issues involved in that particular problem, but one
> of them might be of interest to the people here as well, as it's
> generally erlang-related rather than tied to elixir or any package in
> particular.
> The issue comes down to unusually high memory consumption for erlang,
> specifically the system part from erlang:memory/0. The output below
> shows values when running outside docker and inside:
> Outside docker:
> erl -eval 'io:format("~w~n", [erlang:memory()]), init:stop().' -noshell
> [{total,15182640},{processes,3799768},{processes_used,3797720},{system,11382872},{atom,194289},{atom_used,169621},{binary,78344},{code,3868184},{ets,229416}]
> Inside docker's official erlang image (debian based)
> docker run --rm -it erlang:18-slim erl -eval 'io:format("~w~n",
> [erlang:memory()]), init:stop().' -noshell
> [{total,111303160},{processes,3799768},{processes_used,3797720},{system,107503392},{atom,194289},{atom_used,169584},{binary,595608},{code,3860673},{ets,239464}]
> Inside minimal alpine linux erlang image
> docker run --rm -it msaraiva/erlang erl -eval 'io:format("~w~n",
> [erlang:memory()]), init:stop().' -noshell
> [{total,111432888},{processes,3748312},{processes_used,3746312},{system,107684576},{atom,194289},{atom_used,169869},{binary,596568},{code,3847723},{ets,185296}]
> As you can see all the values except for system are very similar, with
> system being almost 10x as large. The issue is also consistent across
> different images. While outside docker a simple shell uses around
> 15MB, inside docker it grows to 80MB.
> I tried to investigate the issue further using recon, and it looks
> like the excessive memory is allocated with ll_alloc, although I have
> to admit I'm out of my depth here.
> I'll be thankful for any help or indications where I could dig deeper.
> Michał.
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