[erlang-questions] Problems stop/attach a release

Khitai Pang khitai.pang@REDACTED
Tue Mar 22 05:49:56 CET 2016

On 2016/3/22 3:21, Roger Lipscombe wrote:
> On 21 March 2016 at 19:00, Khitai Pang <khitai.pang@REDACTED> wrote:
>> The only difference is the vm.args file.  It seems that the script
>> _rel/myapp/bin/myapp just won't work if there's no -setcookie in vm.args.
> Building an {extended_start_script,true} script with relx version
> 1.0.4 (I've not tried anything newer) gives you a script that
> explicitly checks for -setcookie in vm.args:
>      # Extract the target cookie
>      COOKIE_ARG="$(grep '^-setcookie' "$VMARGS_PATH")"
>      if [ -z "$COOKIE_ARG" ]; then
>         echo "vm.args needs to have a -setcookie parameter."
>         exit 1
>      fi
>      # Extract cookie name from COOKIE_ARG
>      COOKIE="$(echo "$COOKIE_ARG" | awk '{print $2}')"
> That reports the problem and quits. Maybe the non-extended start
> script has the same requirement, but doesn't check it explicitly? Or
> maybe there's a regression between 1.0.4 and whatever version of relx
> you're using?

It seems my relx builds happily without -setcookie in vm.args.  It;s 
automatically downloaded by erlang.mk:

 > ls -l relx
-rwxrwxr-x 1 khitai khitai 166941 Aug 25  2015 relx
 > md5sum relx
db0839594ab8edaa91567a033a98cc69  relx
 > file relx
relx: data
 > ./relx --version


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