[erlang-questions] SSH daemon, raw mode for shell function

Ingela Andin ingela.andin@REDACTED
Fri Jan 8 16:44:54 CET 2016

Hi again!

Humm ... realised you probably where not talking about raw socket options,
which when I think about it we should not allow to be set on the ssh

Maybe you could elaborate a little on your use case?

Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP Team - Ericsson AB

2016-01-03 21:08 GMT+01:00 Zdenek Sejcek <zdenek@REDACTED>:

> Hi guys,
> I am trying to build application where users can remotely connect to using
> SSH. Following code snippet works perfectly fine:
> start() ->
>   ssh:daemon(1122,
>     [
>       {system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
>       {shell, fun dispatch/2 }, % {?MODULE, dispatch, []}
>       {pwdfun, fun passwordfn/2},
>       {parallel_login, true}
>     ]).
> What I need is to turn on raw mode, which simply means keys wont’t be
> interpretted on client side (e.g. shell command line), but everything will
> be send to server first. It enables applications like vi, emacs, mc to
> offer complex TUI. Some people suggested ncurses as solution, but I still
> don’t know how erlang implements ssh server under the hood so I can’t apply
> such a complicated solution right now.
> So my question is: how to turn on raw mode? Or please share some
> under-cover details that might help me to better understand how ssh daemon
> works.
> Thank you.
> Zdenek Sejcek
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