[erlang-questions] [ANN] Syn: a global process registry

Roberto Ostinelli roberto@REDACTED
Tue Jul 7 16:31:01 CEST 2015

> Did you happen to evaluate our work on Riak PG?  Riak PG provides a
> CRDT based solution for process group membership.  There's a paper
> available from Erlang Workshop 2013.
> http://christophermeiklejohn.com/erlang/2013/06/05/erlang-gproc-failure-semantics.html
> http://christophermeiklejohn.com/erlang/2013/06/03/erlang-pg2-failure-semantics.html
> http://christophermeiklejohn.com/erlang/riak/crdt/2013/06/24/introducing-riak-pg-distributed-process-groups-for-erlang.html
> http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2505309
> - Christopher

Hi Christopher,
I did not. I'd be delighted to hear from you if you end up evaluating and
comparing them to other existing solutions.

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