[erlang-questions] Hidden node and topic subscription rpc's

Matthieu Tourne matthieu.tourne@REDACTED
Thu Jan 29 18:15:00 CET 2015

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Michael Truog <mjtruog@REDACTED> wrote:

>  On 01/28/2015 07:19 PM, Matthieu Tourne wrote:
> Hi,
>  I started using py_interface as a layer to do rpc into an Erlang system,
> receive and send message, and eventually provide functionality to the that
> Erlang system.
>  One of the functions on the Erlang side would be :
>  handle_call({subscribe, Channel}, From, State) ->
>   %% Saves From as a subscriber of this channel into the State
>   %% When something will arrive on the Channel From will get a message.
>  The problem is when I'm sending an rpc:call via py_interface (a call
> message on the rex mailbox essentially). It seems that the pid associated
> to that rpc essentially disappears right when the rpc is completed.
>  As I gathered from this example [1], an alternative way to do this would
> be to rewrite my handle_call this way :
>  handle_call({subscribe, Channel, SubscribingPid}, _From, State)  ->
>    %% Saves SubscribingPid instead of From.
>  And I would pass in the Pid of an active mailbox from my py_interface
> hidden node.
>  My question is two fold, would there be a way to keep a live Pid in the
> system (maybe [2] answers this problem as a byproduct), for longer than
> getting a result to that rpc call.
> Or would a proper way to do this be to have a proxy process to make the
> link between rpc's and a live mailbox in my hidden node.
> Also, is a hidden node the best way of achieving all of this ?
> py_interface makes the running Python interpreter into a hidden node,
> similar to a cnode (http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/cnode.html), just
> using Python source code (like jinterface does with Java source code).  You
> could probably modify the py_interface source code to run as an Erlang port
> (http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_port.html).  In both cases, all
> Python usage will have a single connection bottleneck (a single socket for
> a cnode and a single pair of pipes for a port).  Depending on the Python
> source code, you could argue that it will never matter due to the global
> interpreter lock.
> However, if you do care about Python latency, it is more efficient to use
> the Python CloudI API.  To do RPC you would send a service request to
> another CloudI service (based on your example, an Erlang CloudI service).
> An example of a Python service is at http://cloudi.org/#Python to show
> how a service request can be handled in Python (adding a send_sync CloudI
> API function call (http://cloudi.org/api.html#1_send_sync) would be the
> same as doing RPC).  The Python CloudI API is implemented only in Python in
> the cloudi module and with Python/C integration in the cloudi_c module (the
> quickest Python integration).
I was actually looking at CloudI just yesterday!
It looks very interesting, and seems to work like magic in my use case [1]

I would have couple questions about it, what powers the api system ?
Reading the code briefly I saw some Erlang external term format, but it
wasn't clear which channel the protocol used (socket, pipes, etc ).

Also I was wondering if everything would need to become a cloudi_service to
be consumed seamlessly by an external API, I'm working with existing code
that already has a lot of gen_server patterns, if I have to layer on top
this could be a burden.

Finally not running on windows could be a problem, but I'm guessing I could
rip out just CloudI API part of CloudI (it's a big repo) and make sure that

[1] https://github.com/CloudI/CloudI/tree/develop/doc#python
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