[erlang-questions] Typos in 'getting_started-5.4'

Ted Kaehler ted@REDACTED
Tue Feb 3 04:53:34 CET 2015

        Thank you for your detailed and easy-to-read document,
'getting_started-5.4'.  Here are some corrections.  Just search for the
quotation to find it in the document.

Erlang does not have a string *date* type
       *date* should be data

The .erlang.cookie file should contain *on* line with the same atom.
        *on* should be one

This example will just show the message passing logic no attempt at all has
been made
        something left out after *logic*?  Start a new sentence?

Logs off anybody at *at* node
        *at* should be that

Note the use of the spawn_link BIF.
       (spawn_link is not actually called in that example.)

processes *mesage* queue.
      *mesage* should be message

I really appreciate the fact that this document is freely available on the
web!  Thanks for all the hard work.

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