[erlang-questions] ets:safe_fixtable/2 & ets:tab2file/{2, 3} question
Benoit Chesneau
Thu Dec 17 17:16:04 CET 2015
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 5:13 PM Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:24 PM Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:
>> On 12/17, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
>> >But what happen when I use `ets:tab2file/2` while keys are continuously
>> >added at the end? When does it stop?
>> >
>> I'm not sure what answer you expect to the question "how can I keep an
>> infinitely growing table from taking an infinite amount of time to dump
>> to disk" that doesn't require locking it to prevent the growth from
>> showing up.
> well by keeping a version of the data at some point :) But that's not how
> it works unfortunately.
>> Do note that safe_fixtable/2 does *not* prevent new inserted elements
>> from showing up in your table -- it only prevents objects from being
>> taken out or being iterated over twice. While it's easier to create a
>> pathological case with an ordered_set table (keeping adding +1 as keys
>> near the end), it is not beyond the realm of possibility to do so with
>> other table types (probably with lots of insertions and playing with
>> process priorities, or predictable hash sequences).
>> I don't believe there's any way to lock a public table (other than
>> implicit blocking in match and select functions). If I were to give a
>> wild guess, I'd say to look at ets:info(Tab,size), and have your
>> table-dumping process stop when it reaches the predetermined size or
>> meets an earlier exit. This would let you bound the time it takes you to
>> dump the table, at the cost of possibly neglecting to add information
>> (which you would do anyway -- you would just favor older info before
>> newer info). This would however imply reimplementing your own tab2file
>> functionality.
> Good idea, i need to think a little more about it.. I wish it could be
> possible to fork an ets table at some point and only use this snapshot in
> memory like REDIS does literally by forking the process when dumping it.
> That would be useful...
> Thanks for the answer!
side note, but i am thinking that selecting keys per batch also limit the
possible effects of the concurrent writes since it can work faster that
way. though writing to the file is slow.
- benoit
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