[erlang-questions] Validating binaries
Sean Cribbs
Tue Aug 11 17:01:12 CEST 2015
This looks like a case where you could use a binary comprehension.
validate_lower_case_hex(Value, Length) when is_binary(Value),
byte_size(Value) == Length ->
Value == << <<C>> || <<C:8>> <= Value,
(C >= $0 andalso C =< $9) orelse
(C >= $a andalso C =< $f) >>;
validate_lower_case_hex(Value, _) when is_binary(Value) ->
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Roger Lipscombe <roger@REDACTED>
> Simple question: what's the most efficient way to validate that a
> binary value is of a certain length, and contains only certain
> characters?
> I've got the following:
> %% @doc Check that 'Value' is a binary, exactly length 'Length',
> %% containing only ASCII characters [0-9af].
> %% If the check succeeds, return the value; otherwise throw.
> validate_lower_case_hex(Value, Length) ->
> validate_lower_case_hex(Value, Length, Value).
> validate_lower_case_hex(<<>>, 0, Value) ->
> Value;
> validate_lower_case_hex(<<>>, N, _Value) when N > 0 ->
> % binary is too short.
> erlang:error(validation_failed);
> validate_lower_case_hex(<<_,_>>, 0, _Value) ->
> % binary is too long.
> erlang:error(validation_failed);
> validate_lower_case_hex(<<C:8, Rest/binary>>, N, Value)
> when C >= $0, C =< $9; C >= $a, C =< $f ->
> validate_lower_case_hex(Rest, N - 1, Value);
> validate_lower_case_hex(<<_C:8, _Rest/binary>>, _N, _Value) ->
> % unexpected character.
> erlang:error(validation_failed).
> Is there a better (faster) way to do it?
> Thanks,
> Roger.
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