[erlang-questions] syntax errror on :
Richard A. O'Keefe
Tue Aug 11 03:52:44 CEST 2015
Others have already pointed out the missing full stop at the end.
I'm more than a little puzzled by this function:
> %% @doc convert the choice to a Shape and send the
> %5 data to the dimension function
> %% when the choice is a :
> %% r or a R then the shape will be a rectangle
> %% t or a T then the shape will be a triangle
> %% e or a E then the shape will be a ellipse
> -spec(char_to_shape(char() ) -> atom() ).
> char_to_shape(Char) ->
> case Char of
> $R -> get_dimension(rectangle);
> $T -> triangle;
> $E -> ellipse;
> $r -> rectangle;
> $t -> triangle;
> $e -> ellipse;
> _Else -> "Wrong Shape"
> end.
The $R case calls get_dimension(rectangle).
I think this was supposed to be
char_to_shape($R) -> rectangle;
char_to_shape($r) -> rectangle;
char_to_shape($E) -> ellipse;
char_to_shape($e) -> ellipse;
char_to_shape($T) -> triangle;
char_to_shape($t) -> triangle.
and the call to
should have been
I am also considerably puzzled by the idea of a rectangle
with only one side. Rectangles have a *width* and a
*height*. If there is only one dimension associated with
it, the thing must be a square.
I suggest splitting out a function
string_to_number(String) ->
case string:to_float(String)
of {Float,""} -> Float
; _ -> case string:to_integer(String)
of {Integer,""} -> Integer
with some careful and explicit thought given to what
string_to_number("1.2T") -- your code succeeds
string_to_number(" 1.2") -- your code fails
string_to_number("0x1") -- your code goes completely haywire
string_to_number(" 1") -- ditto
should do.
If I were designing an input format for this problem,
it would be
"R" ++ <width> ++ " " ++ <height>
| "C" ++ <diameter>
| "T" ++ <side 1> ++ " " ++ <side 2> ++ " " ++ <side 3>
converting this to {rectangle,W,H} | {circle,D} | {triangle,S1,S2,S3}.
I'd then finish off with
area({rectangle,Width,Height}) ->
Width * Height;
area({circle,Diameter}) ->
(math:pi()/4.0) * Diameter * Diameter;
area({triangle,Side1,Side2,Side3}) ->
% DON'T use Heron's formula.
% Use the numerically stable formula in
% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron%27s_formula
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