[erlang-questions] how to make beautifulll code of this working code
Joe Armstrong
Mon Aug 10 20:29:45 CEST 2015
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Roelof Wobben <r.wobben@REDACTED> wrote:
> Op 10-8-2015 om 17:59 schreef Garry Hodgson:
>> date_parts(Date) ->
>> [list_to_integer(N) || N <- string:tokens(Date,"-")].
> When testing I see this output:
> 2> dates:date_parts("2012-02-02").
> ** exception error: bad argument in function list_to_integer/1 called as
> list_to_integer(<<"2012">>) in call from dates:'-date_parts/1-lc$^0/1-0-'/1
> (dates.erl, line 6)
If you're a beginner it might be helpful to not combine function calls
but to write the code with intermediate variables like this:
date_parts(Date) ->
L = string:tokens(Date,"-"),
[list_to_integer(I) || I <- L].
That way you can add print statements to see what's going on
like this:
date_parts(Date) ->
L = string:tokens(Date,"-"),
[list_to_integer(I) || I <- L].
As you become more experienced you'll omit the temporary variables
because you'll *know* what they should be. But when you're beginning
make each line of code do as little as possible and print the results to
check your understanding.
Poke each line into the shell to see what's happening.
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