[erlang-questions] Patch Package OTP 17.5.2 Released

Zandra Hird zandra@REDACTED
Thu Apr 23 11:47:04 CEST 2015

Patch Package:           OTP 17.5.2
Git Tag:                 OTP-17.5.2

  Check out the git tag OTP-17.5.2, and build a full OTP system
  including documentation. Apply one or more applications from this
  build as patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply'
  tool. For information on install requirements, see descriptions for
  each application version below.

  --- inets-5.10.7 ----------------------------------------------------

  The inets-5.10.7 application can be applied independently of other
  applications on a full OTP 17 installation.

  --- Improvements and New Features ---

   OTP-12661    Application(s): inets
                Related Id(s): seq12840

                New value in server_tokens config for limiting banner
                grabbing attempts.

                By setting {server_tokens, none} in ServiceConfig for
                inets:start(httpd, ServiceConfig), the "Server:" header
                will not be set in messages from the server.

  Full runtime dependencies of inets-5.10.7: erts-6.0, kernel-3.0,
  mnesia-4.12, runtime_tools-1.8.14, ssl-5.3.4, stdlib-2.0

  --- ssh-3.2.2 -------------------------------------------------------

  Note! The ssh-3.2.2 application can *not* be applied independently of
        other applications on an arbitrary OTP 17 installation.

        On a full OTP 17 installation, also the following runtime
        dependency has to be satisfied:
        -- stdlib-2.3 (first satisfied in OTP 17.4)

  --- Improvements and New Features ---

   OTP-12659    Application(s): ssh

                New option id_string for ssh:daemon and ssh:connect for
                limiting banner grabbing attempts.

                The possible values are: {id_string,string()} and
                {id_string,random}. The latter will make ssh generate a
                random nonsence id-string for each new connection.

  Full runtime dependencies of ssh-3.2.2: crypto-3.3, erts-6.0,
  kernel-3.0, public_key-0.22, stdlib-2.3


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