[erlang-questions] ANN: Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP by O'Reilly

Mark Nijhof mark.nijhof@REDACTED
Wed Jul 9 01:15:25 CEST 2014

I should have said "technical" writers :) but I see your point. But just
looking at the time spend and what one could earn by doing that work vs
writing about the work then it usually is a clear case what activity wins.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 11:46 PM, Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@REDACTED>

> Mark Nijhof wrote:
>> It is not funny anymore how many people think that someone writes a book
>> for money. Even when self publishing there is not a lot of money to be
>> made, I use LeanPub and am very happy with the platform/service they offer.
>> And the royalties are good as well, but I need to pay for the cover design,
>> the website (if you want something else then the default) and for editors
>> to help me improve my content. So far it has cost me money.
> That does require a comment.  A lot of people DO write for money, though
> not necessarily looking for all that money to come from book sales.
>  Academics "publish or perish."  Consultants as a marketing vehicle.  And
> yes, there are people who actually make a living from writing books.
> But yes, there are also non-monetary reasons for writing a book -
> consolidating learning, as an excuse to do some personal research, putting
> experience or thoughts on paper, promoting a position, and so forth.  Even
> then, few have the luxury to do that without some means of support - we all
> have to eat.  If one is retired, has a job that includes writing as a part
> of it (can you say academia?), an understanding employer (or an employer
> who benefits from your writing), that's great.  Otherwise, a grant, a
> fellowship, or some form of income is required.
>  Writing is a huge amount of work, and it is a shame writers don't see
>> more of the results.
> Absolutely.  Writing is real work.  One of the reasons my next book will
> be self-published.
> Cheers,
> Miles Fidelman
> --
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
> In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra
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Mark Nijhof
t:   @MarkNijhof <https://twitter.com/MarkNijhof>
s:  marknijhof
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