[erlang-questions] how to override meck passthrough
Dror Mein
Tue Dec 9 18:39:28 CET 2014
thank you. that what I thought - stupid bugs (wrong arity) cause you to question your knowledge.
On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 7:23 PM, Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:
On 12/09, Dror Mein wrote:
> I read in the meck readme that you can override a meck passthrough for a single meck:expect.how is it done?Thanks
You just directly delcare the meck expect as usual.
The difference is that without the passthrough option, you'll have a
module that contains *only* the mocked calls. With passthrough, all the
calls will be there, but each expect will override existing ones.
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