[erlang-questions] Question about basic use of diameter

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Fri Sep 13 15:43:12 CEST 2013

Hi Ferenc,

Thanks for the quick reply.

On 13 Sep 2013, at 11:41, Ferenc Holzhauser wrote:
> For {error, no_service} of your own code: what does diameter:services() say? 
> If diameter:start_service(...) worked then you should have something in that list that is called ?NAME.
> If it is not the case then check if you called start_service with the correct data. 
> If you certainly did then I'm guessing rb is going to help out with some errors to debug.
> Generally diameter:service_info(yourservicenamehere, all) gives good information for troubleshooting when your service is running.

Except that I can't tell what I'm supposed to be looking for. I'm guessing some AVP isn't set right, but I'm not sure which. Both the client and the server nodes seem to contain the relevant [client] and [XX_service] entries when the tests execute, but I still get no_service when attempting to call. The test suite is executing this:

    Sid = diameter:session_id(atom_to_list(client)),
    ACR = #diameter_base_ACR{ 'Session-Id' = Sid,
                              'Accounting-Record-Type' = ?'DIAMETER_BASE_ACCOUNTING-RECORD-TYPE_EVENT_RECORD',
                              'Accounting-Record-Number' = 1 },
    {ok, #diameter_base_ACA{}} = diameter:call(demo_diameter_test_client, client, ACR, []),

The client has the following callback enabled:

prepare_request(#diameter_packet{ msg = Req }, _,
                {_, #diameter_caps{ origin_host = {OH, DH},
                                    origin_realm = {OR, DR} }}) ->
  {send, Req#diameter_base_ACR{ 'Origin-Host' = OH,
                                'Origin-Realm' = OR,
                                'Destination-Realm' = DR }}.

If I start the server and client manually, instead of the no_service error, I get {error, no_connection}:

(demo@REDACTED)1> diameter:service_info(demo_diameter_service, all).
(demo@REDACTED)2> code:add_patha("/Users/t4/work/spikes/diameter-demo/test/ebin").
(demo@REDACTED)3> demo_diameter_test_client:start().        
(demo@REDACTED)4> diameter:services().
(demo@REDACTED)5> diameter:service_info(client, all).                                                          
(demo@REDACTED)6 demo_diameter_test_client:connect().
(demo@REDACTED)7> diameter:service_info(client, all).   
(demo@REDACTED> diameter:service_info(demo_diameter_service, all).                                         
(demo@REDACTED)9> demo_diameter_test_client:call().                 

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