[erlang-questions] Futures/promises and ability to "call" abstract modules

Gleb Peregud gleber.p@REDACTED
Tue Nov 20 16:35:36 CET 2012

That's exactly what I was thinking about! Thanks a bunch!

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Joseph Wayne Norton
<norton@REDACTED> wrote:
> FYI.
> https://github.com/tonyrog/resource
> Please see this repository if you are not already aware of it.
> regards,
> Joe N.
> On Nov 21, 2012, at 12:20 AM, Gleb Peregud <gleber.p@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Since the resource associated with the process is always stored in
>> heap of the process, the resource will not get garbage collected until
>> no heap references it. This way we tie together process and resource
>> lifetime. And since NIF resources can have a destructor in C which is
>> called upon resource is garbage collected, we can make use of it to
>> inform gcproc to terminate.

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