[erlang-questions] Debugging apps with dependencies

Josh Black raskchanky@REDACTED
Mon Apr 30 20:05:52 CEST 2012

Hi, erlang beginner here.

I have a question about the best way to debug apps which include dependencies.

I'm working on an app, and so far, I've been testing it by using rebar to generate a release, then starting a console for the release and going from there.  The problem comes when I want to use something like dbg or appmon to debug errors or inspect the state of my app.  When I try to do, e.g. appmon:start() from the console for my release, it tells me "undefined function appmon:start/0".  I'm guessing this is because I didn't explicitly specify appmon in my release configuration?

Alternatively, I created a start.sh shell script with contents like this:

erl -pa apps/*/ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -eval 'application:start(dependency1), application:start(dependency2), application:start(myapp).'

This lets me start appmon and whatever else I want when I run into errors, but feels pretty messy and wrong.

I feel like I'm missing something really obvious here.  What's the correct way to do this? 

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