[erlang-questions] 0mq - Re: Troll bait: If your code really matters, you'll write it in C++
Toby Thain
Thu Apr 5 04:39:26 CEST 2012
On 04/04/12 4:44 PM, james wrote:
>> A question here, though. As I understand it, AQMP is primarily used in
>> the financial world, or at least particularly favored there. Is this
>> true? And if so, which implementations are particularly popular?
> Well, its hard to say. I've never seen it used, but then I don't work at
> JPMorgan. RedHat's sponsorship of Apache AMQP should help, but it
> doesn't seem widely used.
> I did have interest in it (from a 'bet I could write one of those' hobby
> perspective) but the history seems unfortunate and the very significant
> changes between the definition between 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 don't bode well
> IMO. Maybe its a sleeper - its certainly nice to see something specified
> with a wire format rather than a borken API in a language you don't want
> to use (for everything). iMatix throwing their toys around and doing
> zeromq didn't help, though they seem to be having 'issues' with process
> on that too.
> Maybe it will gain some traction once there are multiple 1.0 broker and
> client implementations and a compatibility festival can be had the same
> way the IIOP CORBA compatibility was demonstrated.
Pardon me butting in from an uninformed perspective, but isn't 0mq
highly regarded in this area?
> There are more Solace jobs on CWJobs than AMQP (more than zero isn't
> hard!).
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