[erlang-questions] Listing differences in loaded beam files

Paul Davis paul.joseph.davis@REDACTED
Tue Oct 18 05:36:34 CEST 2011

I hit an odd issue earlier today and one of the debugging questions I
tried to answer was "Do these two nodes have the same exact BEAM files
loaded, and if not, what's different?" After Googling for awhile I
haven't found anything related. Ideally I'm only looking for something
that basically does:

    Mods1 = [{Module, beam_lib:version(Module)} || Module <-
    Mods2 = [{Module, beam_lib:version(Module)} || Module <-
    diff(Mods1, Mods2).

But with bonus points if it shows some sort of N-way diff for all
nodes that are connected.

Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.

Paul J. Davis

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