[erlang-questions] mockgyver -- yet another mocking library

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Mon Nov 7 16:48:34 CET 2011

If you want to mock OTP behaviours, then I'd suggest looking at
https://github.com/noss/emock, which is really good for that.

On 7 November 2011 03:19, Jon Watte <jwatte@REDACTED> wrote:

> When it comes to mocking, I know that this is one option, and a number of
> people are recommending meck. However, both of these use the "sort it all
> out afterwards" approach, which I personally feel is not strict enough.
> When you mock, you want to mock for a few reasons:
> 1) You want plausible data to be returned from unrelated modules. You
> don't really need to go to a disk mnesia table to test your configuration
> parser :-)
> 2) You want to enforce that, when functions are called, parameters conform
> to certain parameters. This may be "is exactly x,z,y" or just "is numeric"
> or whatever.
> 3) You want to enforce the presence or absence of specific calls with
> specific parameters.
> I find that the "setup" then "replay" mechanism of erlymock (by Jason
> Wagner) is almost ideally suited to these cases -- and, once I mocked, and
> run my code, the system automatically verifies my expectations; I don't
> have to go trawling through any captured results of calls to try to verify
> whether they are good or not!
> Now, in cases where you want to mock gen_server, or erlang, the code
> replacement approach used just won't work. I don't think there's much of a
> way around that, other than to use shallow wrappers in your own code, and
> mock those wrappers.
> Personally, I really wish that module got some more public love in the
> Erlang community. To me, it does it close to Right(tm).
> Sincerely,
> jw
> --
> Americans might object: there is no way we would sacrifice our living
> standards for the benefit of people in the rest of the world. Nevertheless,
> whether we get there willingly or not, we shall soon have lower consumption
> rates, because our present rates are unsustainable.
> On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Klas Johansson <klas.johansson@REDACTED>wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Adam Lindberg
>> <adam.lindberg@REDACTED> wrote:
>> > Nice to see more mocking tools popping up!
>> :-)
>> >  - Is it tied to EUnit or generic?
>> It's generic (the ?MOCK macro is generic, although the
>> ?WITH_MOCKED_SETUP macro is intended for use from eunit).
>> >  - What happens when a function is called with other parameters than
>> those expected?
>> Nothing.  If I write a "guard" like this:
>>    ?WAS_CALLED(lists:nth(2, [a, b, c])),
>> that call will succeed if the function was called with those
>> parameters once.  If it was called with those parameters for example
>> twice (or never) it'll fail (like an assert macro in eunit).  If it
>> was called once with those parameters, and once with another set of
>> parameters it still succeeds.
>> If you want to check that the function was only called once with those
>> parameters and no other parameters you can do something like this:
>>   [[2, [a, b, c]]] = ?WAS_CALLED(lists:nth(_, _)),
>> since ?WAS_CALLED (as well as ?WAIT_CALLED and ?GET_CALLS) will always
>> return a list of argument lists.
>> Not as concise.  Perhaps a better syntax for those cases will make it
>> into a future version. :-)
>> >  - How's the beam renaming working out for you so far? Have you seen
>> any cases in
>> >   where it hasn't been able to find all occurrences of a module name?
>> So far it's done its job, but it's not really bullet proof.  Haven't
>> had the need to call the original module frequently enough to bump
>> into problems.  The algorithm only replaces the atom within the atom
>> table, but not within the constant pool.  mockgyver works for modules
>> both with and without debug_info, but I've been thinking of changing
>> that:
>> * use debug_info when available
>> * otherwise, resort to replacing within the beam code
>> It's not been an issue so far, but if people start using this and bump
>> into problems I'll prioritize it.
>> >  - really nice syntax (thanks to parse transforms).
>> Thanks!
>> > Is there a functional API?
>> Yes and no.  There is, but it's not documented and may change.
>> However, nothing is set in stone. If there are good reasons for adding
>> such an interface it'll be done.
>> Cheers,
>> Klas
>> > On 2011-11-02, at 21:47 , Klas Johansson wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> I'd like you to meet mockgyver -- an Erlang tool which will make it
>> >> easier to write EUnit tests that need to replace or alter (stub/mock)
>> >> the behaviour of other modules.
>> >>
>> >> mockgyver aims to make that process as easy as possible with a
>> >> readable and concise syntax.
>> >>
>> >> mockgyver is built around two main constructs: ?WHEN which makes it
>> >> possible to alter the behaviour of a function and another set of
>> >> macros (like ?WAS_CALLED) which check that a function was called with
>> >> a chosen set of arguments.  Let's redefine pi to 4:
>> >>
>> >>       ?WHEN(math:pi() -> 4),
>> >>       4 = math:pi(),
>> >>
>> >> Use pattern matching to check that a function was called with certain
>> arguments:
>> >>
>> >>       ?WAS_CALLED(lists:reverse([a, b, c])),
>> >>
>> >> ... or if you don't care about the arguments:
>> >>
>> >>       ?WAS_CALLED(lists:reverse(_)),
>> >>
>> >> The library has been in use for a year for a bunch of Erlang
>> >> applications, except for a couple of recent additions.
>> >>
>> >> A short tutorial as well as docs and many more examples[1] in markdown
>> >> format on github:
>> >>
>> >>    https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Klas
>> >>
>> >> [1] https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver/blob/master/doc/mockgyver.md
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