[erlang-questions] Erlang shows its slow face!

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Sat Nov 13 16:59:18 CET 2010

Hi Gilberto!

I did some rewrite of the FORM 2, that I think is more compatible with the condition that A+B+C =< N,
and the result is of course much better. How did you implement the C# version ?

My results for N = 300, times are measured with timer:tc.

pythag0:		4837528		(4.8s)
pythag1:		4289769		(4.3s)
pythag2:		703632			(0.7s)

And the result with +native

pythag0:		1006865		(1.0s)
pythag1:		441254			(0.4s)
pythag2:		107387			(0.1s)


My versions (original + the version that only generates the list once)



pythag0(N) ->
    [ {A,B,C} ||
	A <- lists:seq(1,N),
	B <- lists:seq(1,N),
	C <- lists:seq(1,N),
	A+B+C =< N,
	A*A+B*B =:= C*C].

pythag1(N) ->
    L = lists:seq(1,N),
    [ {A,B,C} ||
	A <- L,
	B <- L,
	C <- L,
	A+B+C =< N,
	A*A+B*B =:= C*C].

pythag2(N) -> 
    lists:reverse(pythan2_A(1, N, [])).

pythan2_A(A, N, Acc) when A > N -> Acc;
pythan2_A(A, N, Acc) -> pythan2_A(A+1,N,pythan2_B(A, 1, N, Acc)).

pythan2_B(A, B, N, Acc) when A+B > N -> Acc;
pythan2_B(A, B, N, Acc) -> pythan2_B(A,B+1,N,pythan2_C(A, B, 1, N, Acc)).

pythan2_C(A, B, C, N, Acc) when A+B+C > N -> Acc;
pythan2_C(A, B, C, N, Acc) ->
    if A*A+B*B =:= C*C -> 
	    pythan2_C(A, B, C+1, N, [{A,B,C}|Acc]);
       true ->
	    pythan2_C(A, B, C+1, N, Acc)

On 13 nov 2010, at 08.37, Gilberto Carmenate García wrote:

> Hi all!
> I have been doing tests to Erlang I found this funny stuff that makes 
> Pythagorean Triplets
> pythag(N) ->
>    [ {A,B,C} ||
>        A <- lists:seq(1,N),
>        B <- lists:seq(1,N),
>        C <- lists:seq(1,N),
>        A+B+C =< N,
>        A*A+B*B =:= C*C].
> I tested it agains an implementation I made in C# so, and takes 14 
> secounds in my pc to do with 300 numbers in Erlang however in c# is just 
> a secound, even when C# runs under VM too.
> So I did all possible ways for me to implement differents manners in 
> Erlang looking for speed and all is the same, listed as  follows:
> So my question is, there are any way to do that even more fast, why 3 
> nestes fors structs in C# are more effients that lists:foldr or 
> lists:foreach in Erlang.
> %% FORMA 1
> py1(Max)->
>    L = lists:seq(1, Max),
>    lists:foldr(
>        fun(A, Acc3)->
>            lists:foldr(
>                fun(B, Acc2)->
>                    lists:foldr(
>                        fun(C, Acc)->
>                            case ((A*A + B*B =:= C*C) andalso (A+B+C =< 
> Max)) of
> 								true->
>                                    [{A,B,C}|Acc];
>                                false->
>                                    Acc
>                            end
>                        end
>                    , Acc2, L)
>                end
>            , Acc3, L)
>        end
>    , [], L).
> %% FORMA 2
> py2(Max)->
> 	fora(1, [], Max).
> fora(A, Acc, Max)->
> 	Acc1 = forb(A,1, Acc, Max),
> 	case A < Max of
>        true->
>            fora(A+1, Acc1, Max);
>        false->
>            Acc1
>    end.
> forb(A,B, Acc, Max)->
>    Acc1 = forc(A,B,1, Acc, Max),
>    case B < Max of
>        true->
>            forb(A,B+1, Acc1, Max);
>        false->
>            Acc1
>    end.
> forc(A,B,C, Acc, Max)->
>    Acc1 = case (A*A + B*B =:= C*C) andalso (A+B+C =< Max) of
>        true->
>            [{A,B,C}|Acc];
>        _->
>            Acc
>    end,
>    case C < Max of
>        true->
>            forc(A,B,C+1, Acc1, Max);
>        false->
>            Acc1
>    end.
> %% FORMA 3.
> py3(Max)->
> 	[{A,B,C} ||
> 		A <-lists:seq(1, Max),
> 		B <-lists:seq(1, Max),
> 		C <-lists:seq(1, Max),
> 		A*A + B*B =:= C*C,
> 		A+B+C =< Max].
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