[erlang-questions] Efficient Insertions in Mnesia tables
Rudolph van Graan
Sun Nov 7 12:26:48 CET 2010
This sounds like a disk subsystem issue. DETS (disc_only mnesia tables) uses buckets to store objects and will allocate (and reallocate) objects within buckets as you add more objects to it. If a bucket does not have space for a new object, the bucket must be split. This means the DETS file grows and some of the data is moved. Depending on your operating system, file system, record size on the file system, this will result in a lot of IO. In my opinion, what you see is to be expected - DETS selects a bucket based on the object's key's MD5 hash, so a specific insert can hit any bucket essentially at random. DETS is not a good choice if you want to constantly append to a table, but it works reasonably well if you have a finite set of keys.
Rudolph van Graan
On Nov 5, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Olivier BOUDEVILLE wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to write (with mnesia:dirty_write) in a disc_only_copies
> Mnesia table (type: set, not fragmented, not replicated) records (ex: 60
> 000 of them) and we observe that the insertion time is increasing as the
> table is increasingly crowded. This is not really a surprise but something
> we need to avoid. What we would like is to have constant (and preferably
> low) insertion times, like we had when writing directly to a file.
> We tried to get as close as possible with the following settings and use:
> % We want tables to be dumped less frequently from
> memory to disc,
> % in order to buffer writings (default value is
> 4):
> ok = application:set_env( mnesia, dc_dump_limit, 1
> ),
> % Increases a lot (default value is 100) the
> maximum number of
> % writes to the transaction log before a new dump
> is performed:
> ok = application:set_env( mnesia,
> dump_log_write_threshold, 50000 ),
> Over time we see the CPU load decrease steadily, the computer seems to
> spend most of its time fighting for locks.
> We happen to be in a pretty favorable situation (only writes, no
> concurrent access to a given table). We chose disc_only_copies as there
> might be a large number of such tables and if they filled over time they
> could exhaust the RAM.
> Is there anything we missed that would allow us (roughly) constant
> insertion times with Mnesia?
> Thanks in advance for any hint,
> Best regards,
> Olivier.
> ---------------------------
> Olivier Boudeville
> EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
> Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
> Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47
> 65 27 13
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